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Son of Jockstrap

Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
Is it true that bans for first time offenders are purely based on if they pay for a blue name or is that just wild speculation? I've seen members banned for jokes, yet others blatantly disrespect fighters and stay on. Thanks for doing this btw.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
Is it true that bans for first time offenders are purely based on if they pay for a blue name or is that just wild speculation? I've seen members banned for jokes, yet others blatantly disrespect fighters and stay on. Thanks for doing this btw.
Newbs are way more likely to get banned than pro members or business members. Most are seen as potentially recycled trolls so they are skating on thin ice as soon as they hit the boards.

People who spend money on the site get preferential treatment, no doubt.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
What do you mean?
Why are you guys bringing personal issues from another forum to this one? It's really quite rude to use it as a dumpster for issues you have with another business. Very rude actually, childish, bitter, and hella disrespectful to all the posters here.
It really is a testament to the spirit and nature of this place that this thread hasn't been bombarded with members calling you out and the admins who allow us to use this forum freely. If nothing else, respect the place that took you in good faith that you'd enhance the board and not use it to wipe the shit from your shoes on.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
That's all good. I was asked by another member of the UG to come here.

We were discussing the issue on the UG until a rogue mod froze me, other members where still trying to discuss it on the UG so I'm offering the info here so they have it as I've been silenced on that side.

I didn't mean offense to anyone here and this is a strange thing to be offended by as it doesn't affect you.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Why are you guys bringing personal issues from another forum to this one? It's really quite rude to use it as a dumpster for issues you have with another business. Very rude actually, childish, bitter, and hella disrespectful to all the posters here.
It really is a testament to the spirit and nature of this place that this thread hasn't been bombarded with members calling you out and the admins who allow us to use this forum freely. If nothing else, respect the place that took you in good faith that you'd enhance the board and not use it to wipe the shit from your shoes on.
While I agree MelE5150. A lot of users here were old UG posters, who also got fed up with the modding there. The first few months or so there was a fair amount of discussion of the UG and its practices, which you missed out on. Probably best to let them get it out of their system, as long as they keep it civil, like the rest of the members have.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
While I agree MelE5150. A lot of users here were old UG posters, who also got fed up with the modding there. The first few months or so there was a fair amount of discussion of the UG and its practices, which you missed out on. Probably best to let them get it out of their system, as long as they keep it civil, like the rest of the members have.
I'd already ignored and unwatched the thread Bubba :) I said it, meant every word, moved on grateful that I never used my UG account & interacted with any of the foolishness. But thanks for the tip.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
I'd already ignored and unwatched the thread Bubba :) I said it, meant every word, moved on grateful that I never used my UG account & interacted with any of the foolishness. But thanks for the tip.
How do you unwatch threads?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
And as you can see, the members here have already become passionate & protective of our little community. In my opinion, that's a testament to what we're building here. We hope that you all will become a part of it & help us continue to grow :)


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
hey welcome to the boards dreamer.

you got frozen? weren't you a mod?

a mod froze a mod?

hehe what.


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
And as you can see, the members here have already become passionate & protective of our little community. In my opinion, that's a testament to what we're building here. We hope that you all will become a part of it & help us continue to grow :)
Why no thumbs down or catfish icon? Fuck this place yo


TMMAC Addict
Apr 20, 2015
image.jpg Check-make sure to never share filth flarn filth with anyone on this thread.

Check-note they all have small penis' aka peni

Check-possible manwhores that can not be trusted.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
hey welcome to the boards dreamer.

you got frozen? weren't you a mod?

a mod froze a mod?

hehe what.
Hey man, I wondered where you went.

I was a mod until a couple of months ago when some shit went down.

Some troll by the name of Lubaolong showed up on the UG smashing on respected UG business member DefenseSoap so I stepped in to see what was going on. The guy claimed he was a doctor and was using that leverage to damage a companies reputation so I asked if there is anyway he could prove his claims of being a doctor. I mean, if you are going to stand on a platform you should make sure it is stable right?

So anyway, he refuses so I reported it to an admin who banned him.

While all that was going on a member jumped in the thread and called me a douche so I froze him for mod bashing via TOS. It was about a 20 minute freeze while I explained what was going on and I released him. Another member took issue with that and started demanding to know why the other member was frozen. I told him several times that I can not tell him why the other member was frozen, mod rules say that only the member that was frozen gets that explanation and that was already done.

He kept harassing me, following me thread to thread and sending me private messages about it so finally I had enough and froze him then reported the incident to the admins and other mods.

Jason decided to demod me for that saying I routinely started arguments with UGers and froze them. I said this wasn't true and demanded evidence but was given none, instead i got the run around and bullshit excuses about shit that happened over a year ago being the real reason.

Fast forward to last night and I made a thread about my MMA record being fucked up along with many others on the "Official records keeper of MMA"s website.

The mod, downperiscope, showed up and started talking shit to me. Other UGers started piling on him so he told me I wasn't allowed to make threads at 4:00 am East Coast time (even though I don't live there and why does that matter anyway?) so he froze me and deleted the thead.

UGer, Song2, made a thread asking about me being frozen and downperiscope took that as a grand opportunity to jump in the thread and start throwing insults at me until the thread turned on him and about 2 pages worth of UGers dogpiled him in 20 minutes. He then begged OP to let him "zap" the thread but OP said don't do it, keep it transparent.

Downperiscope promised he'd keep it transparent and then he moved the thread to one of the wasteland forums, DanTheWolfman ground and promised to return it to the UG in the morning. A couple of other people continued to post and then he deleted the entire thread about 20 minutes later.

TL;DR corrupt mod made a fool out of himself on the UG last night, embarassed himself and other mods, froze members and deleted threads for rules he made up rather than TOS specific rules, is still a mod because the UG supports and encourages this kind of behavior from it's mods, obviously, or he wouldn't still be one.