Wow thanks guys, that is nice as hell for you all to say. Really, thanks a lot, I know all of you from the UG and always thought you guys were among the increasingly smaller group of good dudes on there
So basically, IWEI and I were talking, and along with pics and possible book excerpts, I am gonna be putting up -
- old, early NHB/MMA events in full, with good quality
- documentaries on the fight game - mostly boxing, mma, BJJ and kickboxing stuff. I think this is what people would most dig, I have 200+ documentary/feature TV type shows on this kinda stuff. a lot of foregin (Brazilian/Russian mostly) stuff too, but all of it is subtitled. I can throw up a list of all the documentaries I have and you guys can pick what you might be interested in, because there is a lot
- articles and blog posts.
Some of the ideas I've had so far that I've been working on:
- profile/bio of Igor Vovchanchyn and his career,
- a list of the top 10 upsets in early MMA (from the first 1993 until around 2001 or so),
-fights/fighters that were solely responsible for the evolution of our sport... Think Maurice Smith's KO of Coleman to take the UFC HW title for example. Those kind of fights that changed the way everybody approached MMA.. Or in that particular case, the outcome showing how a striker could defeat a wrestler at a time when wrestlers were dominating the sport.. I really would dig suggestions on any writing shit like this
Thinking of some other stuff too, but that's what I have in mind so far. Obviously, the 'articles' would be well thought out, structured & written, not like these random forum posts I do. I'd try my best to make them read like real pieces sites would put up, ya know. I just have this desire to talk about and learn about the origins and old days of this sport.. Nobody I know really gives a fuck about that (nor do many people around here care about MMA in general like they used to), so a good outlet would be writing IMO
Anyway. You guys rule. Glad to see the board growing well... invite your friends. It'd be great to have a troll free, bullshit free MMA board with a large amount of members