If you're talking to me you can take the same break as Peruvian nutsucker.suck it up. he will be ok
You need to fuck off for a while, for real. Your schtick is old and moldy.We are not doing this here
Thank you guys. Cami was awesome, a few stories:
Cami liked his old school horrors, him, Ferox, Stewed owl, they love watching them Black & White Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff stuff
I could never get into that because man, watching Black & White Horrors is just weird so we all had kind of our roles and stuff.
The OG's like Cami would watch and rewatch those giving us newer Horror fans recommendations and us newer Horror fans would go through the pain of watching Tubi straight to video C-Horrors to recommend to the OGs
It continues to be a beautiful eco-system , just in the past 2 days I watched The Exorcist 3 and The Changeling, both amazing movies with actors way before my time.
Owl went as far as to tell me true stories from Europe about how the Changeling legends came to be, Cami used to do the same, he was always very generous with his knowledge.
RIP Master of Horror
Peruvian Necktiez
Thats exactly how it works, and the drugs/treatment he was enduring greatly weaken the immune system.RIP
I'm surprised the final hurdle was pneumonia. I assume advanced cancer make it harder for the body to fight off infections like that?
God damn that is hard to readSharing this from the OnlyGround
Good evening,
This is David Galloway’s wife Lisa (Mrs. camicom). I am very sad to post this, David Galloway aka camicom has passed away today Saturday December 28, 2024 at 11:05 am at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, WA. For additional context, David went into respiratory diestress Wednesday night December 25th at 10:30 pm. He was taken by the Rapid Response Team for scans and blood work. They stabilized his breathing. He DID NOT code that night and was brought back to his room. I was called back to the hospital and stayed with him until 2:30 am until I was certain his was fine. I came back at 8:00 am on the morning of Thursday December 26, 2024. He was awake and the nurses were attending to him. I said good morning and how are you. He response to me was “I’m tapping out”. I immediately said NO. But David had made up his mind. The treatments for the pneumonia were not working and he was getting worse. And he had a discussion with his doctor and the alternative didn’t look good either as it would involve the ICU, being on a ventilator and never leaving the hospital.
I just want to say to all the OGers on this forum, YOU ALL were a great source of support for David through the years. He made me promise to let you know what happened to him. I enjoyed David relaying the silliness from forum posts by you all. My favorites are the ‘What do?’, photoshopping people especially my husband after his Gamme Knife treatment, and when someone post something that happen to them, then someone else makes another post with a weirder story that reflects the original poster’s story. You guy get very creative.
I also want to thank those who donated to David’s Go Fund Me and the people who put on an auction. You all are truly good and generous.
I will continue to post updates for those who are interested about David. David also made me promise to mention the OnlyGround when I speak at his funeral and I will do that.
To those who have texted me. I have not responded to you yet but I will. I hope you understand.
We need to go back to this style of debate, not this canned bullshit, no live audience.