General Where do you stand on the "bakers being forced to bake gay marriage cakes" thing?

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Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015

Personally I don't see the problem with them not making the cake. If the guy said "aghh you're gay I can't serve you" that would be one thing, but every business can choose what services they do and don't provide so if a gay marriage cake isn't on the menu why should government intervene to force them to put it on the menu?

If I wanted to get my buddy a cake and I told the baker I wanted it to be a naked woman cake and say "Happy Birthday You Fucking Cunt" on it, I'm sure a ton of bakers would refuse because it goes against their taste, so I don't see how that's any different than someone refusing to do a gay marriage cake because it goes against their religion.

Liberals don't know the slippery slope they're getting into. If they create rules and laws stomping on the religious rights of white Christians, those same laws can and will be used against Muslims (the left's pet victim of the month). I'm agnostic, I don't have a horse in the religion race, but there's definitely a war going on against white Christians.

Hitman Herbert

Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
I think a private business owner should be able to discriminate against anyone for any reason and it's not the government's job to oversee this.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Imagine the outrage if I went into a Jewish bakery and ordered a nazi cake.

Team Bisping

TMMAC Addict
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I think if a baker refuses to do a cake for a gay wedding, then 1. The bakers are ignorant dinosaurs living in bubble whilst the world around them adapts and accepts. 2. The bakers are cunts. 3. The bakers don't deserve your money, so move on and find a new one.

Now, do the bakers have a right to be cunts? i believe so, this world is full of cunts, so yeah, just don't give them business, don't get up in arms about it, just feel sorry for them, because those cunt bakers and their shops will die out pretty quickly. Adapt or die.




Putin is gay
Apr 24, 2015
On one side, I've seen plenty of "we reserve the right to refuse any service" (usually written grammatically incorrectly). On the other, sure can't have them not serving minorities or gays, so... unfortunately you can't legislate people to not be pricks.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Gay money spends the same as not gay money.who really cares about gays? Its not 1956 anymore.that being said private owners should have a right to refuse service.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
If you're controlling someone whose not harming you, at the very least it's tyrannical.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Gays eat cake now???

What the fuck is happening to the world!


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
On the other, sure can't have them not serving minorities or gays, so...
This would be my only problem with the, "let them do their own thing" deal. We don't want discrimination to occur. But on the other hand, most business try their hardest to get minorities and gays in, by most I would say, 95%. It would not even be a problem, and gay weddings are normal enough now that it can receive consumer support, thus pressure for the businesses that refuse. Let the market decide, unless we have some sort of grand scale issue here.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I think a private business owner should be able to discriminate against anyone for any reason and it's not the government's job to oversee this.
It's a business. If they don't want your business, go somewhere else.

If someone was discriminating against me for whatever reason I wouldn't want to support their livelihood. Forcing them to take your money feels backwards.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's a business. If they don't want your business, go somewhere else.

If someone was discriminating against me for whatever reason I wouldn't want to support their livelihood. Forcing them to take your money feels backwards.
Everyone should have the right to refuse Imo. Product only of course. I think bakers should be able to refuse to make a cake with a cock on it, a swasticka on it, any sort of design they decide they don't want to associate thier business with.

Thier standard range of products should still be available for purchase tho. But if it's custom and they don't wanna do it then that should be up to them


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Everyone should have the right to refuse Imo. Product only of course. I think bakers should be able to refuse to make a cake with a cock on it, a swasticka on it, any sort of design they decide they don't want to associate thier business with.

Thier standard range of products should still be available for purchase tho. But if it's custom and they don't wanna do it then that should be up to them
100% agree


Jun 23, 2015
Now I think about it, "baking a cake".

There's a science in baking. THeir fucking stupid "gay marriage should be a crime" bitter acid tears would've spoiled the batter.



Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
If I wanted to get my buddy a cake and I told the baker I wanted it to be a naked woman cake and say "Happy Birthday You Fucking Cunt" on it, I'm sure a ton of bakers would refuse because it goes against their taste, so I don't see how that's any different than someone refusing to do a gay marriage cake because it goes against their religion.

Liberals don't know the slippery slope they're getting into. If they create rules and laws stomping on the religious rights of white Christians, those same laws can and will be used against Muslims (the left's pet victim of the month). I'm agnostic, I don't have a horse in the religion race, but there's definitely a war going on against white Christians.
I don't think that's an accurate representation of what's happening. In the gay cake story, the baker makes wedding cakes and they put names on them. They specifically refused to put "Tom and Barry" or whatever it was and it was specifically because they were gay.

I agree a regular cake baker shouldn't have to make a cock and balls cake. But if you specialise in cock and ball cakes, you can't refuse to sell one to someone just because they are gay.