Just a heads up to anyone new to trading. When you sell your stock, you sell to a buyer
If there are more sellers than buyers, meaning supply is greater than the demand, the price goes down
You are probably dealing with an online broker, who in turn faces a market maker (Goldman, Morgan, etc)
The market makers have to stand in both sides of the trade. So they have a price at which they will sell each stock and a price at which they will buy each stock. There is a spread between those two prices. And that spread will increase if volume of trading declines or if the market desire trends more heavily in one direction over the other
What I'm getting at, is that the market price you see the stock at, is not the price you will sell at. If a stock eventually crashes, you will click "sell" seeing one price, but your shares may execute at a price well below the going market price
Reading these memes, it seems like GME is such a unique situation because there's alot of money supporting the price based on a motive of "the cause" as opposed to the standard profit seeking motive
But once the dam breaks, it may break hard and fast
Sorry, ill stop. I'm just worried and don't want to see anyone here get surprised and lose more than they realized is possible