Woman Arrested For Denny's Pancake Rage

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

NOVEMBER 13--Meet Natasha West.

The Chicagoan, 27, is facing assault and property damage charges after becoming unhinged when a Denny’s waitress explained that she was not allowed to share her $4 all-you-
can-eat pancake special with her friends.

West was dining Friday at a Denny’s in Oak Lawn, a Chicago suburb, when a server explained that the unlimited pancake offer was good for a single diner.

This did not sit well with West, who was apparently was under the impression that her $4 bought everyone at the table and unending pancake bounty.

According to the Oak Lawn Police Department, West cursed at the waitress and threw several punches at the employee (though the blows did not land). West and her party then left Denny’s without paying their tab, but not before she repeatedly kicked a door on the way out.

Pictured above, West was subsequently collared after Denny’s workers gave police a description of the car in which she and her pals fled.

West was charged with assault and damage to property. One of West’s friends, Jerome Ivory, 31, was busted for providing police with false identification.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 22, 2015
It's not her fault, she is an innocent victim of a misunderstanding. It's the languge of English's fault for not having a plural for "you". Technically, if a group of people read or are told all "you" can eat for $4...well then, that could easily apply to the entire group.
Damn, if I could give myself a rainbow for that comment, I would.

Also, all you can pancakes for $4... Bargain!


Nov 3, 2015
Is the rainbow something bad? I've been dishing them out like crazy.


I know there's a bias in the media, I really do. But if these stories aren't made up then there's a genuine problem with some adults and emotional maturity, it's.....seriously who....smh.


Pro Member
Oct 20, 2015
Yet another example of cops hating america. Sheesh.

But seriously, people are fucking stupid. She was probably thinking she was going to look like a big shot, buying everyone pancakes.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It's obviously the oppressive white man's fault that keeps everyone down who isn't white, rich, Catholic, and a reptilian.

Fuck your pancakes Miss West
Feb 28, 2015
I know there's a bias in the media, I really do. But if these stories aren't made up then there's a genuine problem with some adults and emotional maturity, it's.....seriously who....smh.
You must live in an amazing place that you haven't had to experience the ignorance and lunacy of what I've come to believe makes up 85%+ of the American population. Where for out thou dear friend, I'm packing my bags, be on the next train/plane/automobile! ;)