General World without Israel

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Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
And just when we might have expected to see the serial mooching, the heaving around of misapplied guilt, and delusional expectations of entitlement fade away, AIPAC's shit-stained fingers show up once again to loot the rest of us:

Didn't Trump cancel all the diversity, affirmative action, etc. bullshit?

Did zion Don make an exception for the baby blowers?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2024
Didn't Trump cancel all the diversity, affirmative action, etc. bullshit?

Did zion Don make an exception for the baby blowers?
Seemingly so and while I'm still very much applauding 80% of what he's done over just that last week, I also gotta shake my head in disgust at sucking up to the foreskinners like that.

There's fuck all whatsoever MAGA about it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2024
Tucker putting it into the mainstream feels a bit like a trial balloon to gauge how outraged formerly trusting Americans and the rest of the world will be once it becomes widely understood that America's Greatest Ally® pulled off a coup on our country which resulted Vietnam (and all the related deaths and costs), the attack on the USS Liberty (and all the related deaths and costs), the numerous subsequent coups and endless wars in the middle east (and all the related deaths, costs, and the flood of rapefugees), and 9/11 (and all the related deaths and costs) and that the heavily jewish mainstream media along with assorted blackmailed and bribed government functionaries have carefully warped and managed public perception ever since.

Shit could get spicy. :tongueout:

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Tucker putting it into the mainstream feels a bit like a trial balloon to gauge how outraged formerly trusting Americans and the rest of the world will be once it becomes widely understood that America's Greatest Ally® pulled off a coup on our country which resulted Vietnam (and all the related deaths and costs), the attack on the USS Liberty (and all the related deaths and costs), the numerous subsequent coups and endless wars in the middle east (and all the related deaths, costs, and the flood of rapefugees), and 9/11 (and all the related deaths and costs) and that the heavily jewish mainstream media along with assorted blackmailed and bribed government functionaries have carefully warped and managed public perception ever since.

Shit could get spicy. :tongueout:
Zion Don will probably keep too much from coming out, unredacted. "National Security" will be the reason for the redactions.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
What is funny is that someone proposed a world without palestine on another forum and I said israel would cure cancer in a world without palestine. They should just let israel take over jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
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Dec 15, 2018
What is funny is that someone proposed a world without palestine on another forum and I said israel would cure cancer in a world with palestine. They should just let israel take over jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
Even better is a world without muslims 💯


Active Member
Jan 17, 2018
A world without israel.................... trillions saved.
Wouldnt have got our battleship sank to get us into another war to help them.
No 911 bin laden himself said 911 was because we were allies with them.
No george bush stealing billions from social security to fund the war in iraq that
israel wanted yet none of their soldiers helped fight in. And its a mess now.
No dancing mossad agents as our building are falling.
I freaking hope we dont rebuild gaza for the leeches and then give it to them.
That would be even more lost money and dead Americans probably.
America should get out of the middle east completely piss on all of them.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Was the Constitution written in Hebrew Or Aramaic?


It was written in fukn murican.