The lower paid guys aren't wsof fighters. They were local guys just starting in pro mma. Wsof put them on giving them an opportunity to fight on a larger stage and an opportunity to impress and be invited back. They were also given tickets to sell which makes them more money, and provides them a fan base in attendance of sorts. Nobody is in the arena during these fights (similar to to the first few fights during a ufc event, except less). Bellator does this as well. Honestly, what do you pay a filler, who nobody is watching and nobody ever heard of because his pro record is 0-0, or 1-2? I can't justify any price, whether it be the $500, or $12,000. Both parties have something to gain in the future with a good showing, but seeing as they are not signed fighters exclusive to wsof and have little to no experience, what do you pay them? I'm sure the fighters jump at the opportunity seeing as it's better than fighting KOTC or gladiator challenge this early in their careers. The event itself makes no money off of these guys but has the opportunity to sign them if they like what they see.