I love yaUh huh. I don't let people do that to ya'll so why would I tolerate ya'll continuously do it to him? Let's not be coy. I expect you to act like a grown ass man even in the face of childish pettiness. Maybe I expect too much.
My guess is you're likely only getting his side of the story, and don't know about other things that happened as well. That's fine, but I would kindly ask you to consider the other side of the equation as well. Regarding him coming back here. We'll see. Based on something that happened very recently, I doubt he has any interest anyway. But there have been others that were banned early on, and we ended up speaking to those folks (like grown ass men) and worked things out. We don't hold grudges forever. But in no way will I deal with what I dealt with again. Waking up every morning and wondering what fires I was going to have to spend the first two hours of my day putting out. It simply will not happen. It's been too peaceful here of late, to go back to that.