Wedding gift ?

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Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
an equivalent of what?

I'm spending more than that just to meet their 'formal' dress code, lol (I have zero formal clothes... went to try some on yesterday, they suck. Ties, tucking your shirt in, and those stupid shoes, lol -I don't know how/why people wear that shit.)

But that's a whole 'nother thread :D
Masato, you're headed for the no contact list unless you give them $100.....

Case in point, I spent about $1000 getting to a wedding in Wisconsin (donkeys years ago) and gave them $50 thinking "shit, they should be thankful I was able to withdraw $50"......

The look on the brides face when she opened the card was shocking......I wrote her off after that.....

Point is, learn a lesson from me.....unless you don't give a fuck about the bride
Jan 21, 2015
^ lol that is terrible

I heard a story once where the couple got married at some resort in the tropics... if they got a certain quota of guests, the wedding was FREE for them. On the other hand, all their guests had to fork out over a thousand each to attend.

That is not an easy ticket, I think its a dick move, especially for your close friends who wouldn't have the heart not to attend.

My wedding was shotgun, I had like 10 people there max, and didn't get a single fuckin gift, lol


Hey all

Going to a wedding this Saturday... (yes, I will miss Diaz/Conor 2 :( )

A bit on the fence about my choice of wedding gift, would love to hear some feedback

Invited by the groom, we went to college together, used to carpool together... used to smoke up in the forest together before class every day, have done shrooms with him and several bonfires etc, and we chat conspiracy info online semi-regularly (he is an expert on Canadian economics). - I have met the girl he will marry only once I think... she is a dancer (burlesque among other styles) and seems a pretty upbeat fun creative chick but that's about all I know about her. All in all, we are friends and I like him plenty but we are not super super close or anything

They do not have a 'gift-registry' as some other weddings do (which is good, I think those things are weird, lol)

Here is what I am thinking of giving:

A package containing:

- 'The Prophet' by Kahlil Gibran'
- possibly a copy of the 'Tao Te Ching' to go with it
- 2 hand-made mugs by Mrs Masato (she is a potter)
- some candles
- small jar of high quality cannabis

Is that weird? Is it wrong to give books, especially of a philosophical/spiritual nature? Is it way out of line to give weed? I was also thinking of tossing in a copy of my conspiracy book but but maybe this is also weird/vain/inappropriate

I think this would be a great gift but admittedly am completely inexperienced in wedding-gift etiquette.

Thoughts please

Give the bride lil' Masato. :D

J/k your shit sounds good homie.


Posting Machine
Pro Fighter
Oct 25, 2015
The weed is probably not a great idea as a formal gift. However, you could always have some waiting for your buddy when he comes back from his honeymoon. Tell him you'll look after the house when he's gone and then leave the weed on the day he comes back.
The mugs are pretty cool and totally unique. Anybody who doesn't appreciate that is a dick.
I think the mugs are enough, really.
Jan 21, 2015
^ you see what I'm saying?? It seems to be a very polarizing question; either people think its a great idea or are totally turned off.

I do not know the girl so well at all, nor does she know me. Also my wife will be coming so its sort of from her too so I think I'll keep it classy.

I will get my homeboy covered at better opportunities :D