General Wormwood drops today on Netflix

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Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

Netflix is set to release one the most mysterious, deeply intriguing documentaries of the year.

Acclaimed documentarian Errol Morris, behind The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, has created Wormwood, where documentary meets scripted miniseries in an attempt to explore the murky history of Project MKUltra and the death of Frank Olson.

Olson, a bacteriologist and CIA employee, was covertly dosed with LSD by his supervisor. Nine days later, he plunged to his death from the window of a New York City hotel room. The US government ruled the death a suicide. Others think differently.

One of those individuals is Olson's own son Eric, who has spent the last 60-plus years trying to uncover the truth about his father's death, convinced it was a cover-up connected to the CIA's MKUltra experimentations. More than two decades after his death, his family was awarded a $750,000 settlement from the CIA. Eric still has questions.

The MKUltra project attempted to uncover how mind control could be achieved through certain drugs, namely LSD, which could then be used in interrogations and torture by the agency. Some subjects were willing, others were illegally tested upon.

Wormwood includes both interviews, including with Eric Olson, alongside dramatic reenactments starring Peter Sarsgaard (as Frank Olson), Molly Parker, and Bob Balaban.

The series will arrive on Netflix on 15 December.



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

This is an audio recording of the tenth section of the first book of the Church Committee Final Report -- "FOREIGN AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, TESTING AND USE OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL AGENTS BY THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY". The Church Committee, officially known as the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, was a committee charged with investigating abuses by the intelligence agencies of the United States. This section of the report deals with such programs as MKULTRA, Project ARTICHOKE, the administration of LSD to witting and unwitting subjects, the death of Frank Olson, and the destruction of the MKULTRA files.

More Church Committee Reports: The Church Committee Final Reports - Audio Books - YouTube



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

Frederick, Maryland. More than 40 years after his death, the body of C.I.A. scientist Dr. Frank Olson has been exhumed. Olson's son Eric is convinced his father was murdered by agents of the American government, because he wanted to leave the C.I.A. Dr. Frank Olson was an expert for anthrax and other biological weapons, and had top security clearance. Forensic pathologists at George Washington University performed an autopsy, and concluded that Olson probably was the victim of a violent crime.

Frank Rudolph Olson was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who worked at Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick) in Maryland. In rural Maryland, he was covertly dosed with LSD by his CIA supervisor and, nine days later, plunged to his death from the window of a New York City hotel room. Some — including the U.S. government — term his death a suicide, while others allege murder.

At some point, while assigned as a civilian U.S. Army contactor, Olson began working as a CIA employee with the CIA's Technical Services Staff (TSS), run by Sidney Gottlieb and his deputy Robert Lashbrook. Some of his CIA colleagues were involved in the MKNAOMI - MKULTRA program, previously known as Project Artichoke and earlier, Project Bluebird. It was a program to explore the possible espionage and military uses of psychotropic drugs. The CIA justified the program, in part, as a countermeasure to the claimed Soviet effort to create a "Manchurian Candidate".



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
The CIA, the Bush Gang and the Death of Frank Olson

There is a thread running through modern American history, a thin red cord that weaves in and out of the shifting facades of reason and respectability that mask the brutal machinery of power. At certain rare moments the thread flashes into sight, emerging from the chaotic jumble of unbearable truth and life-giving illusion that makes up human reality. It appears, bears witness, then vanishes again, forgotten behind the next facade.

It’s a thread that runs from horrified young intelligence operatives stumbling into the death camps of Nazi Germany to hardened agents running assassination programs in the jungles of Vietnam to august men of state building a shadow government with secret decrees authorizing tyranny, murder, torture and deceit. It’s a thread of moral corruption, corruption by an idea, a temptation, a perversion of reason, the whisper of evil that says: “The end justifies the means.”

That thread fetched up briefly again earlier this month, then was buried, literally, in a Maryland grave. The family of Frank Olson laid his exhumed remains to rest, closing the book on their half-century of struggle to find out why he died so violently in the hands of the government he had served–and whose deepest secrets he had guarded.

Frank’s son, Eric, believes he knows the answer now: his father was murdered to keep the thread from sight, to “protect” the American people from the knowledge that their own government had taken up and extended Nazi experiments on mind control, psychological torture and chemical warfare–and that it was conducting these experiments as the Nazis did, on unwilling subjects, on captives and “expendables,” even to the point of “termination.”

Frank Olson was a CIA scientist at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the Army’s biological weapons research center. Ostensibly he was a civilian employee of the Army; his family didn’t know his true employer. Olson worked on methods of spreading anthrax and other toxins; some of his colleagues were involved in mind control drugs and torture techniques. But his life within the charmed circle of the American intelligence elite would unravel with dizzying speed in just a few months in 1953.

It began in the summer of that year, when Olson–increasingly troubled by his own and his colleague’s work–made several trips to Europe, to investigate secret American-British research centers in Germany. There he found the CIA was testing “truth serums” and other torture drugs on “expendables,” including captured Russian agents. He told a British colleague that he had witnessed “horrors” there. And it called into starkest question his own work on biochemical weapons. He came home a changed man, troubled, morose. He told his wife he wanted to leave government service.

But it was too late: the brutal machinery was already grinding. His British colleague told his own superiors about Olson’s concerns; they in turn informed the CIA that Olson was now a “security risk.” Not long after his return, Olson was given the LSD. Then he was flown to New York, ostensibly for psychiatric treatment, at the hands of a CIA doctor–who prescribed whiskey and pills. Then he was taken to a CIA magician–yes, a magician–who apparently tried to hypnotize him for interrogation.

Finally he checked into a cheap hotel–with a CIA handler, Robert Lashbrook, in tow. Olson called his wife, told her he was feeling better and would be home the next day. But that night, he was found dead on the street, 10 floors below. The handler said that Olson had apparently thrown himself through the closed window in a suicidal fit. The government told the family it was simply a tragic suicide. They didn’t mention the LSD–or the fact that Olson worked for the CIA.

It would take Eric Olson 49 years to piece together as much of the truth as we are ever likely to know about what happened that night. But first would come a false dawn, a cruel trick played on the family by cynical operators in Ford Administration, who used a screen of half-truth and deliberate falsehood to divert the Olsons–and the nation–from the darkest tangles of the thread. Two of those operators would would work the thread–play upon it, thrive on it, hold hard to its damp crimson stain–to rise from the obscurity of White House functionaries to positions of colossal, world-shaking power:

Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

Keeping the Faith

Washington, 1975. It was a long hot summer of discontent in the White House. The unelected president, Gerald Ford–who’d taken office after the resignation of Richard Nixon–was raging. Every day seemed to bring fresh horrors from the Congressional committees investigating America’s intelligence agencies. Assassination plots, terrorist acts, coups, secret armies, subversion of allied governments, Mafia connections, torture, press manipulation, domestic surveillance–the revelations were endless, a bottomless pit of corruption and criminality being dredged up by the House and Senate panels.

Where was their sense of duty, the code of omerta that had for so long protected those who toil in the shadows, who do the dirty work to keep America fat and safe and happy? What right did these mere senators and representatives have to tell the people–the big dumb dazed mobocracy out there–the truth about what their leaders were doing in their name? They were like children, they could never understand the higher wisdom that guided the elites. Oh, it was a far cry from the old days, back on the Warren Commission, when a good soldier like Jerry Ford knew just what to do: you accepted whatever the agencies told you, and you steered investigations away from anything that might break the code and pierce the shadows.

So Ford seethed. What the hell is wrong over there at the CIA, he complained to his chief of staff, Donald Rumsfeld. Why couldn’t Bill Colby, the director, keep a lid on things? Colby had even come clean about Operation Phoenix, for Christ’s sake. More than 20,000 Vietnamese murdered in the CIA-run program–did Joe Lunchbucket really need to know about that?

What next? Are they going to find about Reinhard Gehlen, too: the Nazi spy who joined the CIA and recruited thousands of Hitler’s best and brightest–including Klaus Barbie and a cadre of SS veterans–to work for the Agency? Sure, it would look bad, but come on: Gehlen was championed by Allen Dulles himself–the founding father of the CIA, the hotshot lawyer who kept Prescott Bush’s name out of the papers when Pres was caught trading with the Nazis in 1942. Dulles and those Yale boys knew what was best–but try explaining that to some poor schmuck whose father got killed at Normandy or Auschwitz or some other godforsaken hole, eh?

As it happened, the “Gehlen Organization” stayed secret for another 26 years. But in July 1975, Ford had still more worries. A top White House aide, Dick Cheney, sent a memo to Rumsfeld, warning him about an upcoming lawsuit. The family of Frank Olson had found out–through the Congressional investigations–that he had been secretly drugged by the CIA not long before he took that fall from the hotel window. Now they were suing the government for damages.

The lawsuit could be bad business, Cheney told Rumsfeld. “It might be necessary to disclose highly classified national security information” during the trial. That would include the truth about Olson: the CIA connection, biochemical weapons, the mind-control and torture experiments based on Nazi death-camp “research,” and the Agency fingerprints all over Olson’s last days in New York City. The case might even reveal the existence of special “CIA Assassination Manuals,” like the one issued in the year of Olson’s death, 1953, stating: “The most efficient accident, in simple assassinations, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface. Elevator shafts, stairwells, unscreened windows and bridges will serve. [In some cases], it will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him.”

Such revelations had to be avoided at all costs. Rumsfeld and Cheney urged Ford to make a settlement before the trial started. To avoid the courts entirely, they would arrange a private bill in Congress to give the family some cash. The deal would be sweetened by private audiences with both Ford and Colby, apologizing for the CIA’s past “mistakes,” and promising “full disclosure” of all the facts, so the family could at last find peace.

And so it was done. And it was all a lie–beyond the bare fact, already unearthed by Congress, that Olson had been drugged by the CIA. The family got 17 minutes in the Oval Office with Ford–who apologized for the government’s indirect involvement in Olson’s death–that LSD test gone awry. Rogue elements, you know; unauthorized activity. Shouldn’t have happened; never happen again. This was followed by a meeting with Colby, who handed over a thick file: the CIA’s “complete” investigation of the Olson affair–so complete that it forgot to mention that Olson was a CIA official. Or that his colleagues considered him a “security risk.” Little things like that.

Thus began the second cover-up. It took Eric Olson another 27 years to piece together the story, from obscure archives, through lucky accidents, and strained meetings with old CIA hands, who let fall dribs and drabs of the truth. He was even forced to exhume his father’s body: a gruesome process that revealed the original 1953 post-mortem had also been a lie.

That examination had simply confirmed the cover story: poor sap had flung himself through the glass and splattered on the sidewalk below. No autopsy needed. Close the coffin–the body is too busted-up for the family to see–and close the case. But the second examination, decades later, carried out by forensic experts, revealed the truth. There were no marks on the well-preserved cadaver consistent with a self-propelled flight through the window: no cuts on the face or arms. There was, however, a cranial injury entirely consistent with a blow to the head–delivered before the fall.

Earlier this year, the Cheney-Rumsfeld memos came to light, confirming that the Olsons had been deliberately lied to in 1975. It helped fill in some of the remaining pieces of the scattered jigsaw puzzle that was his father’s death–and had become Eric’s life. And although the centerpiece of the puzzle–the fateful moments in that hotel room, before Frank Olson went through the glass–remains forever absent, the picture was as complete as it would ever be, Eric decided. And so he buried his father, again, in the dark Maryland earth.

But Ford, Rumsfeld and Cheney had kept the faith back in those dangerous days of 1975. They had honored omerta. Colby was not so lucky. For his sins–his “weakness” in allowing a few spears of sunlight into the shadows–he was summarily dismissed a few months later. He was replaced by a man who also lived by the code, who would keep the precious Agency–and all its Gehlens, its torturers, its dopers, its shooters–safe from the mobocracy, the ignorant rabble with their pathetic fairy-tale notions about democracy, justice, law and honor. He would guard the shadow world so well that one day the headquarters of the CIA would proudly bear his name:

George Herbert Walker Bush.

Documents on Cheney Coverup of Olson Assassination



Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind control program code-named Project MKULTRA, this one-hour documentary covering some of the clandestine, illegal activities involved in this mind control project was released.

One of the topics covered by this intriguing film is the bizarre activity of a man named George White, who operated outside of the law while directly under CIA direction.

At minute 47 into the documentary correspondent Paul Altmeyer states, “And what of George White, the man who helped the agency in so many of its programs. Shortly before his death, he wrote to his boss at the CIA, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and summed up his career by saying, ‘It was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all highest.'”

The film also mentions that Dr. Gottlieb destroyed the records of the mind control programs in 1973. He and many others involved in these projects did not want the public to ever know about the many illegal and immoral activities they had sponsored in their quest of control over the mind. Thankfully, he forgot to destroy the financial records, which contain highly incriminating information. These declassified documents can be ordered by anyone using the information at this link.

Though the CIA denies that the mind control techniques developed in their secretive projects were successful, an abundance of evidence in this film and elsewhere suggests otherwise.

Friday A/V Club: ABC, LSD, and the CIA

Watergate and the other scandals of the '70s sparked a surge in skepticism toward the country's most powerful institutions. Here is an artifact from that era: a 1979 ABC News special called Mission: Mind Control. The hour-long documentary examines the CIA and Army's attempts to master brainwashing and other sorts of behavioral manipulation, included unethical experiments in which unwitting subjects were dosed with psychedelic drugs.

The show occasionally lapses into TV-news goofiness—at one point, as psychedelic imagery flashes on the screen, we're told that what we're watching is "considered by many experts to be the closest illustration of the effects of a hallucinogenic"—but at its core it's a hard-hitting piece of journalism. It was preserved, interestingly, by the National Archives and Records Administration, which did not bother to remove the commercials from the broadcast. So along with a harrowing exposé of official crimes, you get to see Will Rogers Jr. pitching Grape Nuts and a promo for a Geraldo Rivera report on a biker gang (featuring "dope, death, and the Bandidos"). Enjoy.



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky ,a third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.
The name of the star is Wormwood."

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016

Netflix is set to release one the most mysterious, deeply intriguing documentaries of the year.

Acclaimed documentarian Errol Morris, behind The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, has created Wormwood, where documentary meets scripted miniseries in an attempt to explore the murky history of Project MKUltra and the death of Frank Olson.

Olson, a bacteriologist and CIA employee, was covertly dosed with LSD by his supervisor. Nine days later, he plunged to his death from the window of a New York City hotel room. The US government ruled the death a suicide. Others think differently.

One of those individuals is Olson's own son Eric, who has spent the last 60-plus years trying to uncover the truth about his father's death, convinced it was a cover-up connected to the CIA's MKUltra experimentations. More than two decades after his death, his family was awarded a $750,000 settlement from the CIA. Eric still has questions.

The MKUltra project attempted to uncover how mind control could be achieved through certain drugs, namely LSD, which could then be used in interrogations and torture by the agency. Some subjects were willing, others were illegally tested upon.

Wormwood includes both interviews, including with Eric Olson, alongside dramatic reenactments starring Peter Sarsgaard (as Frank Olson), Molly Parker, and Bob Balaban.

The series will arrive on Netflix on 15 December.

How much do you think they'll actually be able to tell?
I expect only released information personally but can't wait

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
Also, why are there no docs on the pre mkultra and sister projects such as mkoften?


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
How much do you think they'll actually be able to tell?
I expect only released information personally but can't wait
that's the million dollar question & same.

I don't think Morris will pull any punches & Eric Olson is involved. I'm guessing (hoping) that it's pretty revealing, being an awful lot has already been written on the subject (& for the most part admitted).

I'm skeptical they go too far into the coverup with key players still alive (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc).


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Also, why are there no docs on the pre mkultra and sister projects such as mkoften?
would be hard to touch on Dr. Gottlieb without mentioning it IMHO. will be interesting to see.

I thought MKoften was a sub of MKUltra? could be wrong.

Gay For Longo

*insert Matt Serra meme
Jan 22, 2016
would be hard to touch on Dr. Gottlieb without mentioning it IMHO. will be interesting to see.

I thought MKoften was a sub of MKUltra? could be wrong.
It was a sister projects going more into the occult and black magick
Some seriously fucked up shit out there on it


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
I'll give it a rest, but not after dropping some Mae Brussell (RIP).

"I am against the planned political assassinations by our intelligence and defense agents.The CIA-FBI-DIA and DISC (Defense Industry Security Command) were set up originally to protect citizens of the USA. They became their own judges and juries, private servants of corporations with investments at home and abroad. I am against the constant destruction of evidence in criminal matters and political assassinations. Prime witnesses are murdered before or after testifying. Diaries are forged and planted in obvious places. Doubles are created to confuse. The Police Departments manipulate facts in cooperation with conspirators. I am outraged that our judicial system since 1947 has been patterned after Nazi Germany. Patsies are dead or locked away. The assassins walk the streets or leave the country - "home free". I am against using the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, to cover up the assassination of President Kennedy. When the highest court is corrupt, there is no hope at local levels.

I am against allowing the CIA to spend $25 million since 1947 for the express purpose, as stated before, to alter our behavior. Is the State supreme over individuals? Who owns or controls our minds? Why was CIA Director Allen Dulles allowed to order 100 million LSD tablets? Were half the U.S. population going to receive their doses? What gives the CIA and Pentagon the right to define normal, or to determine what is national security? Are we being drugged through food, water and supplied with chemicals so we become slaves and robots? Where is all the cancer coming from? Why the preoccupation with death? Why is the U.S. Government in the business of creating a "Psycho-civilized" world? Who is ordering the ultrasonic waves to lower brain waves of city populations to an alpha state, leaving citizens susceptible to mass propaganda and hypnotic suggestion? These facts have been confirmed by researcher Walter Bowart in 1977. I learned about the project years ago.

I am against the mass media - CBS, ABC, NBC, UPI and AP being used by Washington D.C. since WWI, and by the CIA wince WWII, as pure propaganda tools. My positive philosophy is very simple. I believe there is in each of us a potential for peace and harmony. A few power-mad perverts dictate orders that must be challenged. They are going against the laws of nature. A family and society that does not care for its infants with love and affection will create and does produce mad bombers. The source of this peace and harmony is within the family unit, not government agents or law enforcement. Without love in the home there is never quiet in the community, cities or around the world. There are ways to counteract the evil being purposely planned. Study history. Separate fears and prejudices from facts. Recognize facts from propaganda. Invest energy in fighting for what you believe in. Analyze harder where we are going and what you are doing about it. What do you really believe in? How much do we care?"



The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
Why is it called wormwood? That's a medicinal herb. Does that have anything to do with lsd?


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Why is it called wormwood? That's a medicinal herb. Does that have anything to do with lsd?
I was wondering that myself, then KWC’s post really got me thinking.

Fallen star? Olson “fell” out the window.
Poisoned water? one of their objectives was to dose (poison) the water supply of foreign leaders with LSD.

A number of Bible scholars consider the term Wormwood to be a purely symbolic representation of the bitterness that will fill the earth during troubled times.