Personal Who else has a Fu#@!*up back?

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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
my back can give me hell at times, nowhere near the damage some of you guys are describing, sorry to hear that.

I picked up an inversion table not too long ago & it has helped. not sure if it's an option for some of you, but worth a look if so.

a Glucosamine/Chrondroitin supplement might also help.
I have used inversion tables, and the do help and are good for maintenance. When I get to a less severe state, I will be definitely spending some time on one.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I haven't made that comment on the forum if that's what you're asking - but I definitely have a fucked back. If Leigh has a blue belt, I should be close to a black belt after almost 10 fucking years with this god damn back of mine.

Apparently this is what happens when you crash mountain bikes for 25 years. Definitely don't bounce back like I used too
Are you sure it was that and not poor posture while sitting or sleeping?

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Are you sure it was that and not poor posture while sitting or sleeping?
That could have something to do with it on some level, but I don't think that was ever a huge reason for me. Especially in the last decade where I have been well aware of my issues and have done lots of different things to correct any shortcomings with potsture.

I'm certain my mountain bike crashes have contributed. It's happened a lot, enough that in graduate school my professors nicknamed me "Crash" (I was constantly banged up, bandaged, in a sling, etc). I've had quite a few broken bones, several surgeries, broken ribs, the list goes on and on. I've had some bad ones where my spine has slammed into a tree or boulder while I'm tumbling down a slope. Point being, I'm certain there has been a cumulative effect to all those crashes, and it's starting to catch up with me.

And my job is also hard on my body, lots of physical labor with sledge hammers, jack hammers, shoveling dirt,moving large boulders, and buckets of dirt, etc (my work revolves around caves and environmental issues, and we dig into sinkholes frequently to see what's down there). Often we end up using these tools unconventionally due to space restrictions within a cave or sinkhole. That doesn't help. And all the caving/spelunking I've done over the past 14 years, that's hard on the body too. Crawling around on limestone all the time is unforgiving. Same goes for crashing bikes into limestone. That shit is hard :D

I've always had a "work hard to play hard" mentality, but as I age I'm realizing there are smarter was to go about life :)

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Had an new MRI scan yesterday, and the results are that I have a severe herniation on one of the same discs I've had issues with. Apparently it's a bad one (I haven't seen the inages myself), and there is a good chance I'll being going in for surgery soon :/

It's allegedly a pretty simple surgery (discectomy) and they just go in and carve off the part of the disc that's bulging to get it off the nerve. On the bright side, the second shot has been helping and I've had about a 50% reduction in pain and numbness. I'm moving around much better, but sitting or laying down for too long is still a bitch. According to the doc, and in spite of the relief I've got from the second shot, there is a good chance my symptoms return after the medicine wears off. If that happens, it' is likely surgery time.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Have a consultation set up on the 4th with a spine surgeon :(

I don't think the surgery (discectomy) is that bad. They do them all the time, and I understand the methods have greatly improved. Still freaks me the fuck out. I requested a copy of my MRI, will post when I get it.

Still having lots of discomfort and numbness, and also some weakness, but the second shot knocked the intensity of the pain down. I've been able to gently do some stretches/exercises, which has helped. I've been hanging from my pull up bar and holy shit feels good to let my spine stretch out. It has helped my range of motion improve.

A big positive is that I haven't taken any meds in a few days...I'm still uncomfortable but I don't need them. Feels nice to be able shit on command lol.

My quality of life has been getting a little better, just being able to do some of my normal daily functions again helps.

Although I've been losing my fucking mind not being able to mountain bike or exercise. I ride a lot, and I'm generally active. My job is a lot of physical activity, and I'm not the kind of dude that sits on his ass around home normally. My brain is used to getting those exercise induced endorphins on the regular, and that just got shut down about a month ago.

Jesus, I should've started this post with "Dear diary" lol.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016

Getting surgery on the 29th. I was hoping to avoid it, but it doesn't sound like this one is going to get better without the surgery.

The two shots I had definitely helped, but I'm starting to go downhill again. The 29th seems far away...this is going to suck hobbling around for another 3 weeks. I'm uncertain what to expect as far as the recovery goes, but it is sounding like I may not be able to get back on my mountain bike until April or later. And I am also uncertain if this surgery will leave me with a weak link in my back (i.e. will I have additional or worse issues down the road). If I have any further issues with this disc, the doc said I'll be looking at a fusion. That freaks me the fuck out.

I'm pretty nervous about the surgery I'm scheduled for. I think from the doc's perspective, it is a fairly routine procedure. But from my perspective it is scary as shit.

Getting old sucks.


The Most Dangerous Dame
Oct 2, 2017
I have used inversion tables, and the do help and are good for maintenance. When I get to a less severe state, I will be definitely spending some time on one.
WHY not now? It will only help. You can get them mega cheap now. $200

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
WHY not now? It will only help. You can get them mega cheap now. $200
At the time I made that post, I was was so bad off that getting on an inversion table wasn't an option. I was extremely limited in what I was able to do physically. When those nerves are pissed off, it's crippling. And trying to do certain things like that can make it worse. As the second shot kicked in I was able to regain some function, and was able to do things like the inversion table (and I do have one now, my wife bought me one from Amazon). I have also been hanging off of my pull-up bar, and that has seemed to be slightly better than the inversion table. Not sure why, but hanging seems to help the most. It is short term relief, but I'm keeping up with a routine of doing in several times a day.

Unfortunately, the meds from the injections are wearing off and my condition is starting to go back downhill. There is a fine line between doing some beneficial activity every day, and trying not to overdue it and making shit worse.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Well, time is running out. Having surgery first thing Monday morning to get my spine fixed up.

I feel a bit indifferent about it. On one hand, I'm kind of nervous since it's my spine and nerves and shit. On the other hand, I'm ready to get it over with so I can start the recovery process and work towards getting back to life.

When I'm feeling anxious about it, I try to focus on the fact that I will have a new appreciation for my health and all the good things in life once I have recovered.

I did some research on what they do during the surgery (which was perhaps a mistake), and thank fuck I will be asleep lol.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I have a totally serious medical question:

What happens if I get a hard on during my back surgery tomorrow? I will be face down during the procedure, so I'm sure you understand my concern.

Do the surgery tables have a hole cut out of them for these instances? You know, like a massage table, but for my cock and not my face.

This is what I am most worried about.



Oct 20, 2015
What surgery are they doing?
I’ve had two so far. Herniation L3-4 and a huge one at L4-5, that pushes on the right nerve. I have severe nerve damage to the point that my right foot no longer fully functions. Currently on lyrica and tamazapam to relax at night, otherwise my leg feels like it’s never going to stop, like what I think restless leg feels like. I was on gabapentin, but it didn’t help nearly as mush as the lyrica has.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
What surgery are they doing?
I’ve had two so far. Herniation L3-4 and a huge one at L4-5, that pushes on the right nerve. I have severe nerve damage to the point that my right foot no longer fully functions. Currently on lyrica and tamazapam to relax at night, otherwise my leg feels like it’s never going to stop, like what I think restless leg feels like. I was on gabapentin, but it didn’t help nearly as mush as the lyrica has.
Those are the same two discs I have herniations on, the 4-5 is the really bad one. My issues are all left side/leg. I ruptured them both 8-9 years ago, but the 4-5 re-ruptured really bad at the end of November. I made it up until now with steroid shots and PT, but that won't cut it this time. I have very little sensation or feeling in my left leg, worse in my calf and foot. My leg is super weak too. And then the nerve pain....

It blows having a clumsy leg.

I'm having a lamenectomy and discectomy tomorrow to get the disc off of the nerve and relieve the pressure. I've been using the gabapentin, but not the others.

I have much sympathy for you, I wish ya the best for your situation. I'm really hoping this surgery gets me back in form.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
I have a totally serious medical question:

What happens if I get a hard on during my back surgery tomorrow? I will be face down during the procedure, so I'm sure you understand my concern.

Do the surgery tables have a hole cut out of them for these instances? You know, like a massage table, but for my cock and not my face.

This is what I am most worried about.

Did you look at any of the tables or watch videos of the procedure or just read about it?

Spine tables are pretty awesome. They generally have lots of extra pads on them that allow them move and contort your body as needed to give them the best access to the area they're working on.

Some examples:

So what I'm getting at is that you'll be fine. Shouldn't even be a concern.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Did you look at any of the tables or watch videos of the procedure or just read about it?

Spine tables are pretty awesome. They generally have lots of extra pads on them that allow them move and contort your body as needed to give them the best access to the area they're working on.

Some examples:

So what I'm getting at is that you'll be fine. Shouldn't even be a concern.
Very cool, thanks.

I hadn't seen the tables, and I'm definitely not watching videos lol. Those tables look cool though. I started to do some research and had to stop as it began to make me nervous. I think I'm better of not knowing and just letting the surgeon do his thing.

At least with those tables I don't have to worry about an anesthesia boner lol.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I am a bit anxious about the surgery, but I think this is a fairly common thing for doctor. He also said the methods have greatly improved.

As long as this doesn't happen, I should be good :D


Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
At worst I'd expect that you would wake up feeling like there has been a little "face down, ass up" action going on.



Oct 20, 2015
Those are the same two discs I have herniations on, the 4-5 is the really bad one. My issues are all left side/leg. I ruptured them both 8-9 years ago, but the 4-5 re-ruptured really bad at the end of November. I made it up until now with steroid shots and PT, but that won't cut it this time. I have very little sensation or feeling in my left leg, worse in my calf and foot. My leg is super weak too. And then the nerve pain....

It blows having a clumsy leg.

I'm having a lamenectomy and discectomy tomorrow to get the disc off of the nerve and relieve the pressure. I've been using the gabapentin, but not the others.

I have much sympathy for you, I wish ya the best for your situation. I'm really hoping this surgery gets me back in form.
Having a clumsy leg and foot is the worst thing. I trip constantly, I’ve fallen down my stairs twice since last May, and I’m always nervous I’m gonna go down at any moment. My leg also cramps up at rh most random of times, without any warning.

I actually had both of those surgeries, at separate times. My nerve is permanently damaged, so I’ll never get any of the feeling or correct use of the foot back. I somehow managed to avoid my fall flare up this year, thank goodness, because I’m not ready for another surgery. Injections and PT have never worked for me, unfortunately. I’m definitely very scared of whatever happens now, because I’m only 28.

Good luck tomorrow. Having them both at once will really help!


Oct 20, 2015
I didn’t do any research either time. I’m glad I didn’t. I panic over everything. The first surgery, laminectomy, helped for a few years and the second, microdiscectomy, was more an attemp to correct the nerve damage. It released pressure, didn’t fix the damage, but it reherniated about a year later.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Having a clumsy leg and foot is the worst thing. I trip constantly, I’ve fallen down my stairs twice since last May, and I’m always nervous I’m gonna go down at any moment. My leg also cramps up at rh most random of times, without any warning.

I actually had both of those surgeries, at separate times. My nerve is permanently damaged, so I’ll never get any of the feeling or correct use of the foot back. I somehow managed to avoid my fall flare up this year, thank goodness, because I’m not ready for another surgery. Injections and PT have never worked for me, unfortunately. I’m definitely very scared of whatever happens now, because I’m only 28.

Good luck tomorrow. Having them both at once will really help!
Thank you positivity and well wishes. The clumsy leg thing is definitely a bitch. I've been tripping on stuff too, especially on stairs. It's been allergy season in Texas, and every time I sneeze my leg buckles. And it hurts like a motherfucker too to sneeze.

You are young to have this going on, I've got 10 years on ya. And 25 years of crashing mountain bikes. And I've mostly had physical labor type jobs. I didn't have an single discrete accident, I think it's just cumulative wear and tear for me. At this point the doc is saying I should recover from the nerve issues. Will just have to wait and see.

Thanks again, hope you don't have any worse issues down the road.


Oct 20, 2015
Thank you positivity and well wishes. The clumsy leg thing is definitely a bitch. I've been tripping on stuff too, especially on stairs. It's been allergy season in Texas, and every time I sneeze my leg buckles. And it hurts like a motherfucker too to sneeze.

You are young to have this going on, I've got 10 years on ya. And 25 years of crashing mountain bikes. And I've mostly had physical labor type jobs. I didn't have an single discrete accident, I think it's just cumulative wear and tear for me. At this point the doc is saying I should recover from the nerve issues. Will just have to wait and see.

Thanks again, hope you don't have any worse issues down the road.
If he’s saying you should, then I would say you should. My microdiscectomy was a “well, we can TRY it, and it will help release pressure, but the chances of it repairing are not too well.”

Lots of positivity headed your way. If you have any questions about recovery and whatnot, let me know.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Yo. Surgery is done, and all went well.

The nerve pain in my left leg is greatly reduced, although the incision site hurts like a mofo. Really uncomfortable to lay down. I've already gone for two walks with a walker. On the road to recovery! Thankfully it is looking like I will get to go home today. It hurts, but I think I can manage with meds.

It was weird, I was in a lot of pain when I first woke up and I was shaking really bad. The said the shaking is "normal for men my age" whatever the fuck they meant by that lol.

Chilling in recovery watching some weird ass movie on syfy channel. The drugs I'm on make it seem worth watching.

Thanks to all who chatted in here with me, and for the well wishes. It helped reduce the anxiety I was having leading up to today. Now all I gotta do is heal up.

Cheers homies :cheers:

Lukewarm Carl @willthiswork
I have an uncorked bottle of EH Taylor single barrel tucked away at home. I'll crack that in a couple weeks when I get to feeling better :D
No drinking for a while though, I'm going to focus on good nutritional input while I recover.


The chick on the left is Drunk Tammy :)
Oct 27, 2015
When I was working in nursing homes I transferred a resident who was just a 1 person pivot into his chair cause he could bear weight. That day he decided to make the choice not to bear his weight, so when i was pivoting, he let go and i caught him with all my lower back..

Had pain for a couple years then it got worse, went for an MRI. It's just a buldging disc but the pain is always there. Weed helps lol! I get an adjustment once a month and losing a lot of weight made my core stronger so it helps too :)

My mother has spinal stenosis.. That's fucked up shit.


The chick on the left is Drunk Tammy :)
Oct 27, 2015
Glad everything went well!!! Must have been scary.