General Post an img of what you think other TMMACers look like

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member 3289

I'm originally from the Midwest, but have been in Texas since 2000. It took me about 15 years before I accepted "y'all". Now I use it all the time. I served my time and earned the right :)
Florida is further south than anything in the "south" but I never say y'all.Maybe people in backwoods parts of the state where IschKabibble @IschKabibble and @Rhino live say y'all, but for me the plural form of "you" is you guys.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Florida is further south than anything in the "south" but I never say y'all.Maybe people in backwoods parts of the state where IschKabibble @IschKabibble and @Rhino live say y'all, but for me the plural form of "you" is you guys.
"You guys" is what I was used to in the midewest. I fought the "y'all" thing for a long time, but I finally caved and started using it. My wife still refuses though. She just can't bring herself to use it.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Florida is further south than anything in the "south" but I never say y'all.Maybe people in backwoods parts of the state where IschKabibble @IschKabibble and @Rhino live say y'all, but for me the plural form of "you" is you guys.
In New Orleans we do not have a typical southern accent but we still use Y'all and I still say it even though I have not lived there after the hurricane.


Jun 23, 2015
"You guys" is what I was used to in the midewest. I fought the "y'all" thing for a long time, but I finally caved and started using it. My wife still refuses though. She just can't bring herself to use it.
I've been "y'all"ing since I arrived in Virginia. I'll never lose my accent but I have certainly taken on American nuances.

member 603

Florida is further south than anything in the "south" but I never say y'all.Maybe people in backwoods parts of the state where IschKabibble @IschKabibble and @Rhino live say y'all, but for me the plural form of "you" is you guys.
I live by Windermere.... That's right around the corner from Isleworth.... My place doesn't have wheels on it, and I'm a transplant NYCer..... It's YOUSE guys from me.

Could be worse, there is an inordinately large amount of people from Pittsburgh here in Orlando..... I'm starting to hear "Yens" a lot around these parts


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Not far off m80.......that’s what my beard looked until I shaved it this’s slowly losing its black.......
I can't grow one. I'd wager that if I ever can grow one it'll be grey by that point

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I can't grow one. I'd wager that if I ever can grow one it'll be grey by that point
4 days unshaven has my wife begging me to shave........and she’s not joking....I get the “ cmon man, seriously, you gotta shave....please?”