General Anybody have a mind-numbing dumb and boring job that they like?

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i have a couple of really negative coworkers who make their own life miserable. they are just looking at it all wrong .they both have a fraction of responsibilities that i do and mope around bitching about every small thing. i dont have time for that. im going to go in there today and get a whole lot of things done,work really hard and go home with a sense of accomplishment.they are going to watch the clock all day and piss and moan about what everyone else is doing or not doing .im going to be there all day 5 days a week for the forseeable future so i might as well enjoy myself

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Not boring and mind numbing, but a lot of down time that I can use to read up on things, do personal projects and yes, post here!

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
do you enjoy doing it though?i enjoy my job and even the shitty parts i find a way to have fun or power through and the day seems to fly by
I absolutely love my job. There are days when i feel like i described above but i think that's just my depression taking over.

My normal days involve constant change. Constant change of scenery. Scheduling what person I'm sending where for which procedure. Managing inventory. Customer calls. Acting as a second circulator during procedures. Negotiating with my brands for better terms. Negotiating with facilities for better terms or new business. Oh... And occasionally giving suggestions to Drs when they ask about better ways to do the surgery that we're in.

I learn every day. I'm challenged every day. I'm stretched every day. And every damn day i come out with some sort of personal victory.

So yes, on the surface, it's mind numbing but once you dig in at all... Boom.


Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018
Nah, my job isn't mind numbing, boring, or monotonous. I'm a geologist by education and work experience, and I also do a lot of biological work with endangered species (I'm a licensed geologist and federally permitted consultant that works with private clients, and also with city/county/state level clients as well). About 4 years ago my business partner and I opened up a shop, and that has been more rewarding than working for a bigger company even though it's the exact same work. At the heart of it, I enjoy lining my own pockets instead of someone else's - which was the real impetus for going out on our own.

Having a small business comes with its stresses for sure, but there is also a certain amount of freedom and control as well. I can't say that I love every aspect of my job, but I'm generally happy with what I do for work.

With that said, my work is not my life. I definitely "work hard to play hard". I work decently long hours most of the time, and I'm not a slack off. But I definitely work to live and not the other way around. A few years back I disconnected my work email from my phone, and my work computer stays at the office (and I don't even have a home PC). I do my work when I should be, but when I am home I spend time with my wife and son and don't think about work to the extent practical. I generally find more pleasure in my family and hobbies than I do in my work. My job is just a way to provide for us and to let us live life the way we want to.
I'm self-employed and primarily work from home in media/communications. Unlike you, I lack the discipline to fully apply myself and then call it a day. I prefer to sleep in some mornings. I take little breaks to piss around here and there during the afternoon (post here on the forum, for example), or to run a quick errand. The consequence of that is I often carry on working into the evening for an hour or two, sometimes on weekends.

Bottom line is I always get shit done but I pick my spots when I bear down.

For the most part, I enjoy the work. Love not having a commute. That's a real plus.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I'm self-employed and primarily work from home in media/communications. Unlike you, I lack the discipline to fully apply myself and then call it a day. I prefer to sleep in some mornings. I take little breaks to piss around here and there during the afternoon (post here on the forum, for example), or to run a quick errand. The consequence of that is I often carry on working into the evening for an hour or two, sometimes on weekends.

Bottom line is I always get shit done but I pick my spots when I bear down.

For the most part, I enjoy the work. Love not having a commute. That's a real plus.
Hey man, I say whatever works for you and keeps you happy in your work is what you should do. To me one of the biggest advantages of self employment is having the choice and ability to do exactly that.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
i have a couple of really negative coworkers who make their own life miserable. they are just looking at it all wrong .they both have a fraction of responsibilities that i do and mope around bitching about every small thing. i dont have time for that. im going to go in there today and get a whole lot of things done,work really hard and go home with a sense of accomplishment.they are going to watch the clock all day and piss and moan about what everyone else is doing or not doing .im going to be there all day 5 days a week for the forseeable future so i might as well enjoy myself
I have a similar attitude, and I'm sure most of us have worked with those people.

Those are the same people that can't comprehend why they don't advance as fast as some others, or why they didn't get a significant raise.

I've had a job since i was a kid, and I'm glad my folks instilled work ethic into me at a young age. I had paper routes, cleaned the rental spaces my folks rented out in a small commercial building, mowed lawns, etc. And when I got a little older I went to work for my grandpa and uncle laying carpet, tile, and hardwood. Then I worked in the park district. I worked full time throughout college. I've worked hard or unexciting jobs before for not much money. I'm doing good with life now (finally lol), and I sure as fuck didn't get here by being lazy or bitching.

It's like when you here someone say "if I had as much money as you, I wouldn't ever work again". Well, that attitude is a big part of why you aren't in the same position.

In a way, I kind of view people that are afraid of a little work as pussies. Or even big meanies :D