General Justin Trudeau: I say PEOPLEkind instead of MANkind because it's more inclusive!

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Your attempt at communication is puzzling. Your replies are littered with fallacies, false paradigms and caricaturized summaries of my replies.
Would you like me to provide you with a list of how many times you've been wrong as well as the number of misrepresentations you've made?
Here's an example:
I wrote the following:

You replied to it with:

Many of your posts (on this thread) are littered with such types of responses, and they just don't make sense.

I'm not mad and I hope you're not either but the words you continue to use suggest something's wrong. Take some time to consider what's really bothering you. You owe it to yourself to fix what's really messing with your logic and composure.
It's who he is. Hence why he's banned from all the other forums


Dude, sit down and relax and breathe, it's gonna be alright. You are clearly put minimal effort into exercising your democratic duty but you want to sit on the sidelines and bitch. Go for it, but at the end of the day it's foolish.

Also your logic is devoid of logic. My point was beyond simple and in your attempt to avoid admitting how you barely vote, you rambled and tried to hide from being honest, until you finally where honest.

It's gonna be okay buddy, go take a jog or run
Sounds great, take care buddy :)

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
Oh, I thought it was just me...thanks for the heads up.
I know I can be aggravating but c'mon...
I'm waiting for peak-sensoria, when he uses every logical fallacy in one post, & ironically I think that post will also double as the first concise post he's written


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'm waiting for peak-sensoria, when he uses every logical fallacy in one post, & ironically I think that post will also double as the first concise post he's written

You can't even handle mild Sensoria, what makes you think you can handle peak Sensoria? You are not ready


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.
Do you really not see the where this type of arguing turns people against you?

To win the debate you setup two and only two options.

One of the options is yours and you are right and that makes you good.

The other is that somebody disagrees with you, and they are bad, specifically they are a hypocrite here.

Anyone disagreeing with you has just been called a name.

Ive seen a couple of comments about logical fallacies.

Can you see that this is one? You've shoehorned every response into one of only two categories... Good or hypocrite.
Your debate style leaves no room for other opinions. When others attempt to point out there are other options you continue forcefully telling them there can only be one of two answers. Agree with you or admit something personal about them, theyre a hypocrite. At that point the conversation is no longer about the argument basis and validity. It's about painting people as good and right or bad and hypocritical.

I attempted to give my own opinion, with proof that's my personal position in your world that I could not logically be a hypocrite... And yet there are more than these two options.
But you will not allow more than two options. Doing so no longer paints others as a personal attack.

As a mod I humbly ask you to look the beginning of my posts. I ain't making anything personal just holding people accountable for what they post
I did. And that's how I found the post of yours that I'm originally quoting above. Saying "If you hold the position I think you do, you're a hypocrite..." Is the same as calling people hypocrites.

You and I hold different political views. I hope you won't rage quit the Forum. But this does need to change. You make things way too personal and there's no need for it. Strangely, lots of people probably agree with your surface positions. Lots of people don't like Trump lots of people think that those that don't vote don't have a right to criticism... But nobody's going to listen when you keep calling them Hypocrites for disagreeing with you.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Splinty @Splinty

See this is exactly what I mean. How do you read that and not see how it starts. Who was passive aggressive with who?

Let's look

My first reply to him

Again, I asked you a direct simple question.

I already know most politicos are crooked but listen to yourself. Are you saying since we can't trust them that we should just give up and not vote and not debate?

Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.

Which is it?

100% respectfull and and friendly to boot.

His response to me

2nd part of his 2 pronged response

"SensoriaUtopia said:
Of course politicos are like that, you still need to at least pick the lesser of the 2 evils.

"That's stupid thinking."

Now that is not a big deal, but that is why I felt my response did not raise that level of intensity and was not a big deal either.

Here is what I responded to that

"Again, I asked you a direct simple question.

I already know most politicos are crooked but listen to yourself. Are you saying since we can't trust them that we should just give up and not vote and not debate?

Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite."

Which is it?

So there are 2 clear things for me here.

1.How did you miss his passive aggressive tone with me and then act like I was the first one being passive aggressive?

2.It's pretty clear at least to me that my calling him a hypocrite that you even admit many people feel as I do was not better or worse than him saying my line of thinking is stupid, insulting my intelligence.

I know you are a good character dude, that's the vibe I get. I just wish you really give the real order of events my man.

Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.

Which is it?
Last edited:


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Splinty @Splinty

See this is exactly what I mean. How do you read that and not see how it starts. Who was passive aggressive with who?

Let's look

My first reply to him

"So what are you saying? Of course politicos are like that, you still need to at least pick the lesser of the 2 evils. You think Marco Rubio or Rand Paul are perfect? they are not, but they still would be better than Trump.

Bernie is probably the one guy that goes against your logic, Bernie is actually for the people but he was too good and too pure and Debbie Wasserman and the DNC completley threw him under the bus and chose Hillary.

There is a difference from being able to negotiate and work with people and just lying and manipulating people. Its not black and while only. I agree with you in principle but you still need to at least pick the lesser shitty option.

So do you not vote, do you simply say "fuck em all " and just kind of avoid it?"

100% respectfull and and friendly to boot.

His response to me

2nd part of his 2 pronged response

"SensoriaUtopia said:
Of course politicos are like that, you still need to at least pick the lesser of the 2 evils.

"That's stupid thinking."

Now that is not a big deal, but that is why I felt my response did not raise that level of intensity and was not a big deal either.

Here is what I responded to that

"Again, I asked you a direct simple question.

I already know most politicos are crooked but listen to yourself. Are you saying since we can't trust them that we should just give up and not vote and not debate?"

So there are 2 clear things for me here.

1.How did you miss his passive aggressive tone with me and then act like I was the first one being passive aggressive?

2.It's pretty clear at least to me that my calling him a hypocrite that you even admit many people feel as I do was not better or worse than him saying my line of thinking is stupid, insulting my intelligence.

I know you are a good character dude, that's the vibe I get. I just wish you really give the real order of events my man.

Do you vote or not. Do you vote for your major elections, yes or no. Do you vote for your local politicians, yes or no. If you say no, then you are part of the problem and why things are so fucked up in the world. People that operate that way really have no room to complain at all. If you say yes then you are a clear hypocrite.

Which is it?



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Splinty @Splinty

A didn't read gif was your reply?

Nobody else is going 50 posts of a thread with such a personal style of debate.

Notice that others have tried to walk away.

Notice that I tried to derail you and have a conversation about the same topic but in a different style.

If "that's stupid thinking" set you off for the rest of that, I'm sure @blank is happy to tell you he's sorry.

That's not really the point. You still aren't paying attention that your style is specifically driving away anybody that might want to engage with you with a difference of opinion.

At some point it's not everybody else.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Splinty @Splinty

That is not fair and never will be. I barely even wrote anything in my post, you just did not bother to even read and what I wrote was 100% pertinent. This is why issues persist because people with power don't even give literally, I mean truly literally 8 seconds of their time to read a few sentences someone wrote. If you read what I wrote you will see I am talking about.

That is the least you can do


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Splinty @Splinty

That is not fair and never will be. I barely even wrote anything in my post, you just did not bother to even read and what I wrote was 100% pertinent. This is why issues persist because people with power don't even give literally, I mean truly literally 8 seconds of their time to read a few sentences someone wrote. If you read what I wrote you will see I am talking about.

That is the least you can do

Okay I lied. Of course i read it. Which is how I obviously can reference parts of it.

I've just already said my piece and you're not interested in hearing it.

If you want people to hear you out in your next debates you have to change your style, that's the point.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Splinty @Splinty

So then why did you not address the fact that he started off with the petty and passive aggessive comment to me, and I simply kept it on the same platform he was on?

And my earlier remark to him before his petty remark was 100% classy and friendly the words will forever bear that out. Written for the all of us to see. You did not address that at all.

I don't care if you guys want to gang up on me. I know when a person is being dealt with in a unfair and bullshit manner, and this is evidence of it. I plenty of times happily admit to being wrong, and in this case


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Splinty @Splinty

So then why did you not address the fact that he started off with the petty and passive aggessive comment to me, and I simply kept it on the same platform he was on?

And my earlier remark to him before his petty remark was 100% classy and friendly the words will forever bear that out. Written for the all of us to see. You did not address that at all.

I don't care if you guys want to gang up on me. I know when a person is being dealt with in a unfair and bullshit manner, and this is evidence of it. I plenty of times admit to being wrong but it's clear I was being cool with the guy and he went to a different platform.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia You are owning these clowns and they just can't handle it

Here is the thing my man, I am not trying to own anyone. What I am greatly bothered by is how I know what is right and what is wrong and I was being classy and friendly with poster @blank and he had the shitty remark, him saying my line of thinking is stupid is insulting my intelligence and actually worse than me calling him a hypocrite after that for not voting.

It's fucked up Splinty @Splinty will not see that. I am not perfect. But I know what is fair and right. This is not. Peace


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Whats the over under on rage quit by sunday night

You said you had me on ignore. Also, I am not raging. Just being candid. I am one of the most laid back guys face to face you will meet. Not bragging but people that meet me usually like me.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Here is the thing my man, I am not trying to own anyone. What I am greatly bothered by is how I know what is right and what is wrong and I was being classy and friendly with poster @blank and he had the shitty remark, him saying my line of thinking is stupid is insulting my intelligence and actually worse than me calling him a hypocrite after that for not voting.

It's fucked up Splinty @Splinty will not see that. I am not perfect. But I know what is fair and right. This is not. Peace
If @blank told me that my way of thinking was stupid, I'd ask him to explain. He's a pretty smart cat but even if I didn't know that, I would want to hear his rationale behind the comment. I might learn something.

However, if someone calls me hypocrite....well, I wouldn't be open for further discussion.


Oh come off of it, I threw that out long after you had abandoned any notion of decorum.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Whats the over under on rage quit by sunday night
We may be witnessing the biggest Tmmac snowflake since emery Myers considering he’s melting down because @blank said choosing the lesser of 2 evils in “stupid thinking”.