General Trump not invited to Royal Wedding

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First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Splinty @Splinty

GTFO with the excuses you are fucking unfair to the core as a mod. Even the issh guy pointed that out to on the Song2 thread. You clearly do not operate with any sense of fairness. You clearly have been passive aggessive to me and you are full of it. You are very biased, your actions on here show that.

I have done nothing at all wrong, if you want to ban me, fucking go ahead, I was an original member on here and I came here expecting a smarter and more cool crowd of people, but if I am gonna be deal with unfair people like you than ban me.

You are so fucking full of it, you can't even have the decency as a human to provide an accurate timeline. The thread where you ignored the first 2 responses from peopel to me and then started with my defense response showed me everything I need to know about you.

Hey Laura Ingraham is about to be on TV, why don't you watch her and Sean Hannity and you should ban all of us that speak up to their bullshit.

You are boolsheeting and you ain't fooling me


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Dude he is the founder of the site
It’s not a matter of if he is a good mod or not
He’s literally a god here he givith and takith away
I'm down for some criticism. No God here. Which is why I'm backing my moderator. :)


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
No, just exposing him as the shit mod he is. When I first started posting, you and 2 other poster would stalk the fuck out of me on here, I know you remember that. It was 3 people, you and 1 other guy, I am actually on good terms with yiou and the 1 other guy now . You all on purpose would mock me for tlaking about the UG and the unfair ban, and stalk me, I sent this guy a pm and he is so shitty as a mod he can't even answer.

Then on threads, if I reply with more than a few sentences he will lsay "I aint reading that", even thoug it takes seconds, He jumps in every chance and just mocks me on here and he is such a fucked up person that he even provided a wrong time line.

Shinkicker @Shinkicker I am quoting this person, just ask her about it. She noticed it also. He is so full of it that he ignored the ish guys response to me on a thread and started with my response, I can keep going, he's a person I have no respect for , at least at this time.

The other mods are fucking great here

why dont you just chill and join us in the live fight thread this afternoon


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I think Splinty's point is that you're derailing threads with your political agenda. I get it, you're a lefty and I have no issue with that. However, you don't need to inject your other bugbears into threads. For example, you've tried to segue your anti NRA opinion into this thread. It's not relevant and just looks clunky.

On the other hand, Splinty @Splinty is quite the dictatorial bastard, so I have some sympathy.

I am not so much a Liberal as an Independent. If Rand Paul would have been the choice I would have ran to the booth to vote for him over Hillary.

Splinty @Splinty is flat out unfair as fuck. All you have to do is look at the thread where I pointed out to him the timeline of people stalking me, he then goes on the thread, ignores all their shitty instigating responses to me and starts by pointing the finger at me.

When a mod does that, that shows me they have no fucking character or integrity in how the run the form. Shame on him too


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
You are boolsheeting and you ain't fooling me
It's really hurting your brain that I noticed you were pretty left-leaning and reached out several left-leaning members to save you from yourself isn't it?

And I did that privately.

And then I tried to give you a hint of that earlier when you brought it up.

And now you brought it up again, so there you go.

I've done what I can to put you in good company. But you really do make things too personal and derail too many threads.

You should take a breath and quit calling names and people would probably just accept you for a aggressive difference of opinion.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
I am not so much a Liberal as an Independent. If Rand Paul would have been the choice I would have ran to the booth to vote for him over Hillary.

Splinty @Splinty is flat out unfair as fuck. All you have to do is look at the thread where I pointed out to him the timeline of people stalking me, he then goes on the thread, ignores all their shitty instigating responses to me and starts by pointing the finger at me.

When a mod does that, that shows me they have no fucking character or integrity in how the run the form. Shame on him too
Ok, you don't like Splinty. Got it, me neither.

Can you chill now and be cool?


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
LOL, ban hammer for talking about how shitty the NRA is. Fuck if you guys are really that biased and unfair just ban me right now.

For the record, Spinty aside, the mods like Wild and Leight seem pretty cool. Splinty can't even muster up the courtesy to answer a pm LOL
Shut up you pecker checker


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Dude he is the founder of the site
It’s not a matter of if he is a good mod or not
He’s literally a god here he givith and takith away

Plus ask @conor mcgregor nut hugger about pms not getting to people

Splinty @Splinty flat out admitted he got my pm, he just did not want to respond, He said it on this thread.

I came here with good will and open arms, and I would like to stay here but I won't compromise integrity of what I am about, if people like splinty when to falsely paint me in a certain light, at the end of the day I know the truth and he knows the truth and he knows he is not fair at all, whether he admits it or not.

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
I'm thinking about creating a bot named Spl!nty that'll do nothing but argue with Sensoria all day, is that kind of thing allowed?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i have been pinked a few times and the mods have always treated me fairly.i can accept the responsibility for my own actions


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I told you all that SensoriaUtopia @SensoriaUtopia is a shithead and we still have to go thru the motions.

I told you this!

Edit: stop shit stirring, we're trying to diffuse this - L


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I am not so much a Liberal as an Independent. If Rand Paul would have been the choice I would have ran to the booth to vote for him over Hillary.

Splinty @Splinty is flat out unfair as fuck. All you have to do is look at the thread where I pointed out to him the timeline of people stalking me, he then goes on the thread, ignores all their shitty instigating responses to me and starts by pointing the finger at me.

When a mod does that, that shows me they have no fucking character or integrity in how the run the form. Shame on him too
you know trump has been a life long democrat and just ran as a republican because that was his best chance to win right?


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
It's really hurting your brain that I noticed you were pretty left-leaning and reached out several left-leaning members to save you from yourself isn't it?

And I did that privately.

And then I tried to give you a hint of that earlier when you brought it up.

And now you brought it up again, so there you go.

I've done what I can to put you in good company. But you really do make things too personal and derail too many threads.

You should take a breath and quit calling names and people would probably just accept you for a aggressive difference of opinion.

Maybe if you dealt with people fair shit would not blow up like this, ever think of that.

You think I care if you think I am a lefty? Why do you continue to bullshit man. Where do you think it will get you. Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself?

My issue is that you never even had the decency to answer a thoughtful pm by me. You also lied and completely presented and false and inaccurate timeline, which I then went back and showed to you. You also been jumping in and quoting me and giving a mocking tone to every post of mine for a while now. You also chose to be the mod yet you can't even show the respect of reading any post that is more than a few sentences long.

Stop with the spin, you keep trying to give false reasons here.


First 100
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
you know trump has been a life long democrat and just ran as a republican because that was his best chance to win right?

Trump is a clown whose God is money. He has funded both parties over the years and basically will do whatever for whoever fattens his bank account. That is shameful. He stands for nothing except money.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Trump is a clown whose God is money. He has funded both parties over the years and basically will do whatever for whoever fattens his bank account. That is shameful. He stands for nothing except money.
except that he donates 100 percent of his sallary as president to good causes and is doing the job for free


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Maybe if you dealt with people fair shit would not blow up like this, ever think of that.

You think I care if you think I am a lefty? Why do you continue to bullshit man. Where do you think it will get you. Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself?

My issue is that you never even had the decency to answer a thoughtful pm by me. You also lied and completely presented and false and inaccurate timeline, which I then went back and showed to you. You also been jumping in and quoting me and giving a mocking tone to every post of mine for a while now. You also chose to be the mod yet you can't even show the respect of reading any post that is more than a few sentences long.

Stop with the spin, you keep trying to give false reasons here.