What Would Hunter S. Thompson Have Thought of MMA?

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Posting Machine
Jan 29, 2015

View: https://medium.com/@tomtaylorwrites/as-weird-as-it-gets-hunter-s-thompson-mma-30f6deedf24d

As Weird As It Gets: What Would Hunter S. Thompson Have Thought of MMA

In the year 2005, legendary sports writer and gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson decided that he’d lived long enough, and ended his own life with a .45-caliber handgun. To those who knew Thompson well, his suicide was not much of a surprise

“He told me 25 years ago that he would feel real trapped if he didn’t know that he could commit suicide at any moment,” said artist Ralph Steadman, Thompson’s long-time friend and best-known collaborator. “I don’t know if that is brave or stupid or what, but it was inevitable.”

Whether it was a surprise or not, Thompson was gone, and his sudden absence ripped a chasmal gash into the intersecting worlds of journalism and literature.

A lot has happened in the 13 years since Thompson left us, and as a bottomless jug of potent opinions, you better believe he’d have plenty to say about most of it. I for one, have often found myself wondering what he’d have to say about the testosterone-soaked world of mixed martial arts.

At the time of Thompson’s death, MMA was already a well-established fringe sport with its tattooed forearms wrapped around the collective neck of the valuable 18–34 demographic. The UFC had just promoted UFC 51, while Japan’s Pride Fighting Championship promoted its 29th event on the very night that the writer pulled the trigger. Despite the fact that the final years of Thompson’s life overlapped with the early years of MMA, however, he never really spoke about the sport.

So what would Thompson have thought about MMA if he’d watched it often? Better yet, what would he have written about it, if he’d covered it as he did other sports? Well, that’s surprisingly difficult to say.


an person
Apr 15, 2015
he'd certainly have written something entertaining, with the occasional amazing insight.

(pretty sure a quoted google search for "chasmal gash" wouldn't produce too many results, but you never know.. I guess until you take the 5 seconds to try it, that is)



TMMAC Addict
Jan 31, 2015
I've read all his books, huge fan. I really think Bush's reelection pushed him over the edge into suicide. His last book:

was basically a giant diatribe against bush and how awful the Republican party is.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 31, 2015
Chap who liked Chivas regal and dunhills
"He agreed to appear on our show only if it was a remote segment, and I met him on a farm(this is all true) in upstate New York to shoot guns and drink hard liquor."


Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
"He agreed to appear on our show only if it was a remote segment, and I met him on a farm(this is all true) in upstate New York to shoot guns and drink hard liquor."

Imagine if a talk show host today went out and fired semi and fully auto weapons on a range for a skit... gdamn...


Mar 12, 2018
I think Thompson would of loved the extravagance of the UFC; he wouldve defo wrote something interesting on the subject of MMA; he may have even made a good lightweight. Hemingway wouldve kicked some ass.

Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
Although he would have enjoyed the spectacle, I don't think he was a serious fight fan. Jann Wenner (Rolling Stone) paid him a lot of money to report on the Rumble in the Jungle, but Hunter missed it because he was busy smoking that African reefer and drinking the Chivas in his hotel pool. Like most writers he had issues with manhood over compensation issues. Probably why the Hells Angels guys kicked his ass.