Firas Zahabi: GSP is the GOAT, bar none!

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Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018

Sure, Zahabi is GSP's coach, so he's biased. Yes, this debate has taken place a million times over the years. But Firas makes a compelling case as he runs through the other possible candidates. Who else could you argue for at this point?

“He’s No. 1, no doubt about it,” said Zahabi. “Who else could there be? Give me a name.

“Conor [McGregor] hasn’t defended a title. [Fedor] had too many losses. [Anderson] had too many losses and you know what happened. The testing didn’t go well. [Jon] - testing. There’s nobody else! There’s nobody else. I’m not just saying that because I train him. Put me aside, the guy is the greatest martial artist of all-time. That’s it. He did it. Let’s give him his due props. He worked for it, he deserves it. If another name comes along that does more than what he did, I’ll be happy to say that there’s a new best of all time.

“Before the testing, and all the losses happened, I would say he was one of the best of all time. Now I’m telling you he is THE best of all time. That’s just the way it is. After the tests come back the way they did the losses happened the way they did, the hands were dealt the way they were, now the best of all time, today, is GSP. No doubt about it.”

Morning Report: Firas Zahabi says ‘no doubt about it’ Georges St-Pierre is the greatest fighter of all-time

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Agreed 100%.

GSP is GOAT because of what he's done in and out of the octagon. Classiest guy, beat the best opposition, and also a TWO DIVISION CHAMP.

And of course, never failed a drug test.

GSP the undisputed #1 GOAT

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
Step forward if you...

Never failed a drug test...

Were a two division champ...

Have racked up 5 or more title defences...

Brutally avenged all your losses...

Well what do we see? GSP stands alone!


Megatron Robinson

Jul 26, 2015
Also defeated a murderers row of diverse and tremendously talented contenders.

No guys past their prime, no small dudes moving up, and no tremendously close calls winning in the last moment.

Straight up domination.

Iirc, at one point he clearly won somewhere near 35 straight rounds. All the while beating guys at what they did best.

He demanded stricter PED testing and even offered to pay for Hendricks tests personally while the UFC played deaf dumb and blind. Soon as USADA came around we saw what happened to Hendricks.

GSP is goat.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Also defeated a murderers row of diverse and tremendously talented contenders.

No guys past their prime, no small dudes moving up, and no tremendously close calls winning in the last moment.

Straight up domination.

Iirc, at one point he clearly won somewhere near 35 straight rounds. All the while beating guys at what they did best.

He demanded stricter PED testing and even offered to pay for Hendricks tests personally while the UFC played deaf dumb and blind. Soon as USADA came around we saw what happened to Hendricks.

GSP is goat.

GSP had a partnership with VADA - so there was a conflict of interest there that is why Hendricks declined the testing GSP wanted done by VADA.

You are right about Hendricks and his rapid decline when USADA came to down that is for sure, but GSP "retired" preventing him from being tested out of competition.

GSP isn't as squeaky clean as he pretends to be.

Only reason he came back for the Bisping fight is become the stars aligned perfect for him and that was the only potential match-up he felt favored him.

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
If Anderson had retired before Weidman,
If Fedor retired before Werdum,
If Jones didn't piss hot,
If Might Mouse had more notable opponents,

...this debate could be much different. As it stands, based on how things went down with each of them, I agree with Firas. GSP = GOAT


Canis lupus familiaris
Jan 3, 2018
If this were another forum (no link necessary) then the name Ben Askren would have popped up by now. I think we TMMACers can agree that Askren would be an intriguing opponent for GSP -- although St. Pierre would likely prevail -- and that Askren has not faced the same level of competition as GSP over the span of his MMA career.

Dirty Harry Potter

The smartass formerly known as Geezer
Apr 5, 2018
If this were another forum (no link necessary) then the name Ben Askren would have popped up by now. I think we TMMACers can agree that Askren would be an intriguing opponent for GSP -- although St. Pierre would likely prevail -- and that Askren has not faced the same level of competition as GSP over the span of his MMA career.
I'll always wonder about that, and always suspect that part of the reason he never moved to the UFC was
because he knew he get beaten there. Woulda been easy to prove my suspicions wrong .


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I am a huge Fedor fan but GSP is the goat at this point.

Plus the man overcame alien abductions and still came back and won a belt.


Oct 20, 2015
I also look at Hendricks and how he declined so quickly. USADA raped his butthole.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Just so I’m clear on this, if GSP returns and loses to some guys say Khabib, Woodley, and Lawler. Is he no longer the Goat?

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
He never once landed a back flip clean after a win, that takes him out of the running for GOAT IMO.


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
Just so I’m clear on this, if GSP returns and loses to some guys say Khabib, Woodley, and Lawler. Is he no longer the Goat?
Correct. If he loses he goes to the back of the line. That is the way we play this game, right...