Windows 10

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Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
I'm having a hell of a time trying to update one of my htpcs. It has a 32gb ssd, which windows ate most of, I store nothing on when it came time to upgrade windows was telling me it didn't have enough space. Well fuck windows, youre taking 20+gb of space with I don't even know what...

So to gain space back I reset the pc back to its factory defaults. Which worked, so I tried the upgrade again and its still not enough! It needs 18.1gb of free space, factory defaults had me at 17.5 with nothing to delete lol. But it also tells me I can use an external storage so it can make a recovery image. Which I do and now it starts installing...until it stops. FML. It keeps stopping at the same point error install_recovery_environment. Fuuuck!

On top of everything the computer wont let me restore factory defaults again. So now what? Any geniuses in here?

Ive tried the media creation tool, doesn't work. Ive tried mounting the iso, doesn't work. Any other ideas?


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
Its boots fine. When it fails to upgrade it uses the recovery image on the external hd to get back to normal.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Put the ISO on a disk or a flash drive then delete it from your SSD to free up some space. That's what I did. The link with step-by-step directions is on page one of this thread.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Also delete the contents of the hidden folder that contains the .esd file. That's probably taking up all your free space.

Edit: Also remember to run the upgrade from within the current installation. If you boot straight into the ISO it won't transfer the license.


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
I'm down to 10gb again after trying to upgrade lol....except now I cant restore to factory defaults anymore. I'm at a loss as to what to do.


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
Put the ISO on a disk or a flash drive then delete it from your SSD to free up some space. That's what I did. The link with step-by-step directions is on page one of this thread.
It's on a usb. The only thing i have on the pc is a mounting program.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Did you just place the .iso on the USB drive, or did you flash it to become bootable media?


First 100
Jan 15, 2015


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
Use this:

How to: Create a bootable ISO file from your Windows 10 Download - Microsoft Community

Specifically the Microsoft USB/DVD Tool. Then you can delete all the local content (iso, esd, etc) and it should leave you with enough space to upgrade. Just plug in the bootable USB while logged into the current installation and run setup.exe. You'll probably want to select the option to delete your files and do a full wipe.
I'll give it a go. Its basically the same thing as what I'm currently doing though.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The problem is the 32 GB disk. That's super small. Looks like the requirement is 20 GB of free space. Try to delete everything you can off the current installation. If not, you might have to buy an OEM disk to do a fresh install without license transfer.


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
Right after a reset I had 17.5gbs of space. Theres no way I can clear an extra 2.5gb of space. I may have to call HP or MS and get uppity with them. Maybe they can give me the windows 10 cd key, so I can fresh install that. But I will try your method. Thanks for taking the time.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
One thing to consider is run a disk cleanup to purge any temporary files and also turn off the paging file, which may be reserving multiple GB for memory swap.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Right after a reset I had 17.5gbs of space. Theres no way I can clear an extra 2.5gb of space. I may have to call HP or MS and get uppity with them. Maybe they can give me the windows 10 cd key, so I can fresh install that. But I will try your method. Thanks for taking the time.
Check the paging file. Mine is 1.8 GB. There is also some default Microsoft software you may be able to purge. Have faith. We can make this work.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Its window defender, which has for a long time been a very decent piece of software. They finally include and update it and don't let Grandma kick it off accidentally, then her grandson posts all over the internet how shitty Windows is for getting viruses all the time. There's a greater conversation to be had I guess on why MS chooses certain underlying architecture, but that graphic is just scare tactics if you aren't going to add all the existing products that do the same thing. Key logger? come now.

If you hate chrome browser and android, you hate windows 10.

But a huge number of people use Chrome and this is the same sampling of data to predict search results, stop you from going to known spam sites, and provide better results from Cortana (just like OK Google).

MS has used this same info in the lat 2 years to take down botnet and spam networks by targeting where the PCs are getting infected.

Honestly, none of this seems nefarious if we didn't have the NSA hacking into the information. But my GPS activated android phone that is always with me is thread number one if Im going to start coming off the grid.
Uh, ok. I never said anything about Chrome or Android (which is built on Linux, btw).

I have my own anti-virus and anti-malware programs running and I don't go to strange sites to click on strange links and download strange shit. You're talking like I'm on Limewire downloading porn.exe.

Anyway, enjoy your tablet OS, I guess.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Right after a reset I had 17.5gbs of space. Theres no way I can clear an extra 2.5gb of space. I may have to call HP or MS and get uppity with them. Maybe they can give me the windows 10 cd key, so I can fresh install that. But I will try your method. Thanks for taking the time.
Delete the contents of c:\windows\softwaredistribution \downloads


Posting Machine
Feb 16, 2015
Delete the contents of c:\windows\softwaredistribution \downloads
Way ahead of you.

I was reading some other people were able to upgrade with 7gb or less of space. I think hp uses the recovery as part of the boot process which accounts for the 18gb needed to upgrade.

I think the only way I'm figuring this out is if I call ms or hp.

Deleted member 1

You're talking like I'm on Limewire downloading porn.exe.
Nah man, didn't mean to insinuate that was you. Just talking about the bigger picture on what MS is doing and why there seems to be a double standard between Google's data logging and Microsoft's.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Nah man, didn't mean to insinuate that was you. Just talking about the bigger picture on what MS is doing and why there seems to be a double standard between Google's data logging and Microsoft's.
Well, I feel like a dick. Sorry, brother. I'm too sensitive about this because I was burned by them.

Yeah, all tech companies need to have their feet held to the fire.

Deleted member 1

Well, I feel like a dick. Sorry, brother. I'm too sensitive about this because I was burned by them.

Yeah, all tech companies need to have their feet held to the fire.
Ain't a thing man. I could have been clearer.

I definitely get the privacy concerns, but how do we get all these cool features if we lock down and limit our programs onlg to the local resources of our device. It's a tough conversation.

I just think MS takes more heat than Google or apple who are all doing the same.


First 100
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
A lot of these tech companies have just marketed themselves well. Apple, for example, provides a relatively equal product for a higher price and people eat it up because they've been told to.

That and too many people today are either too young to have known anything other than forced disclosure of their personal habits or have figuratively bent over and pretend they don't care by saying they have nothing to hide.

I also see (often on forums) a human tendency to forgive major transgressions due to token concessions. A guy is a hateful, mendacious shill but he hooks someone up with something of little cost to himself or posts some nude pics and everybody votes him up 10,000 times. Or even worse, he does something that's expected of him, like pay up on a bet in a timely manner, and everyone forgets he's a scumbag.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2015
Ive got it and love it.

For those that are concerned with privacy, you never had it, no in this lifetime, barring any of the 70 year old members.

Your ISP has more data than anyone. Not to mention your smart phones and tablets.


Mammal of the Sea
Jan 20, 2015
theres been some talk about a new wifi issue with windows 10 that is on by default. not sure if this is a big issue or what. but thought id post it for the people that installed it and didnt know about it.

Windows 10 Security: How to disable Wi-Fi Sense | BGR

How to protect yourself against Windows 10’s controversial new Wi-Fi Sense feature

Microsoft added a new feature to Windows 10 called Wi-Fi Sense. It’s a very smart feature that allows trusted users to connect to a Wi-Fi network without needing to know the network’s password, and it’s the first time that technology like this has been available so widely.

That said, there are some obvious and serious security implications that have been a big concern for many of Windows 10’s early adopters and critics.

There are two main problems here. First, Wi-Fi Sense means people you don’t know can connect to your secure Wi-Fi network without even knowing the password. Second, Wi-Fi Sense creates a direct connection between two computers that the user of the host PC does not initiate. Today, that connection is safe and secure… but as a version of Murphy’s law modified for the digital age states, anything that can be hacked, will be hacked.

So let’s cut to the chase: How can you disable and block Wi-Fi Sense?

There are a couple of things you’ll need to do. First, on your Windows 10 computer, open the PC’s Settings and then click Network and Internet followed by Wi-Fi. Under Manage Wi-Fi, disable all of Wi-Fi Sense’s features.

Next, you’ll have to protect your home Wi-Fi network and ensure that other users with Wi-Fi Sense cannot connect to it. In order to do this, you’ll have to rename your network’s SSID so that it ends with “_optout.” So, for example, if your network’s name right now is “MyISPstinkz,” you’ll have to rename it to “MyISPstinkz_optout.”

Alternatively, you can set up a guest network that visitors will be able to access, but you’ll need a router capable of supporting multiple wireless networks.