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Dead Again

Active Member
Oct 10, 2017
Of course you'll find crazy people on either side, people who think Obama is a communist, who think he is an alien from outer space intent on destroying the American way of life, etc.

But it's comparing a mole hill to a mountain. There's just no comparing the rhetoric against Obama vs the rhetoric against Trump.

BTW wasn't it Hillary who kickstarted the whole birther thing in the 2008 primaries? lol
I believe you are right about Hillary starting the birther thing. Trump just beat that horse until it was dust and became the poster child for the movement. Key word movement. That tells you something about the size of the molehill.

I think people who were offended by all the anti-Obama stuff would call that the mountain, while of course Trump supporters would see the attacks on Trump as the mountain. It's just part of party loyalty that will define how people will see it.

I can see why Trump supporters feel like Trump gets it worse, but they have to realize that Trump brings a lot of it on himself,he makes it real easy for the people who hate him to point and laugh.


First 100
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Money Flowed to Michael Cohen. Where Did It Go?

"“Follow the money.” That Watergate meme is now poised to dominate the Donald Trump-Michael Cohen investigation for this news cycle — and beyond. The impetus is a document released by lawyer Michael Avenatti, confirmed by the New York Times, that revealed that a shell company Cohen created and used to pay off the porn star Stormy Daniels received $500,000 from a company linked to a Russian oligarch with ties to Vladimir Putin."

"That’s not all. Cohen’s shell company, Essential Consultants LLC, received a total of $4.4 million in payments from a range of sources with an interest in influencing Trump, including the pharma giant Novartis AG, Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. and AT&T Inc., seeking to pull off its merger with Time Warner Inc."

Truck Party

TMMAC Addict
Mar 16, 2017
it's really odd that a porn star's lawyer was able to get Treasury Dept wire transfer reports from random people with the same name as Trump's lawyer

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Where’s all the ‘pay to play’ outrage?

Clinton took tons of shit for this from Trump supporters... Yet no mention of it when the Trump team gets caught for it?