Society The Donald J. Trump Show - 4 more years editions

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Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
lol at trump the liberal signing this new act, supporting DACA and getting praised for it by conservatives who wanted the opposite.

he will probably get rid of the AR-15 next and his voter base will praise him.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Oh well, back to "gun control".
trump was actually for gun control being a new yorker and seizing guns without "due process". personally this is why I don't like him because I like shooting guns. he is barely flip flopping in that gun issue now.

Deleted member 1

Liberals want them all released within the US and given a future court date, which 80-90% never show up for. They are against turning them back immediately. Great policies!

That's been our historical process. Combined with birthright citizenship and a switch to "family based immigration" in the 1960s and we have incentivized this.We created this. We should be ashamed. Any individual is just looking at the rules and doing what any of us would do if we were raised in a shithole country( ;) ) But remembering individual empathy shouldn't be untenable public policy.

We need blue collar help and white collar help. We should be putting them on the roles. But you can't know your supplemental immigrant need without enforcement and fair wages. You can't create 12 million pseudo slaves and then say, "ha! We need 12 million guest workers".

The Reagan amnesty deal would have been a fine move with mandatory e verify. We'd have a proper guest worker program and could follow something lile Canada's model for skills based immigration. And we'd feel good about having plenty of extra spots for refugees...somewhere between 0-12 million extra spots.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
trump was actually for gun control being a new yorker and seizing guns without "due process". personally this is why I don't like him because I like shooting guns. he is barely flip flopping in that gun issue now.
It was hilarious when he said "Or, we can take the guns first, then have due process", in reference to medically unsafe people after the school shooting in Florida.
But, that's why he's got a team to correct him after the fact.
I also give him a pass on a few things he says because I know he's a 70-year old who's working on 5 hours of sleep a night, and really accomplishing more in a couple years than the previous saviour could do on 8, with the entirety of the deep state against him.

I should preface everything by stating I'm a Libertarian, not a Socialist.
With that in mind, the things that concern me are regarding his police state mentality when it comes to federal programs arming police like military.

Overall, he's far better than the alternative, and truly an enigma as far as humans go.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015
lol at trump the liberal signing this new act, supporting DACA and getting praised for it by conservatives who wanted the opposite.

he will probably get rid of the AR-15 next and his voter base will praise him.
He commented last week that he didn't like the policy. He saw that it was unpopular, so he signed the executive order, instead of pushing through a quick immigration bill that he didn't like. He understands, as democrats do, that midterms are coming up, and democrats are using this issue as just about their only weapon (all they have is fuck trump and children in cages), and would not comprise on a bill of anything less than everything they want.
DACA was already offered and rejected by democrats a while ago in a thorough plan. Immigration policy will never be a deal where someone gets everything they want. Despite what you think, Trump's is far from dumb and also surrounds himself with excellent advisors. If an advisor isn't working out, he has no problem firing them at any time and getting a replacement.