Your job?

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Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
I own and run two companies that operate in the healthcare/pharmaceutical industry - a media/marketing agency, and a sampling company.
I'm self employed, so no real prospects in terms of further career progression - unless I go back to working for someone else.
My accountant ensures that my "pay" is minimal.
I love the field I work in, especially since the business does not follow "traditional" methods of doing things.
How did you get into health/pharma? Is that your background? My cousin's husband over in Portugal has a similar business (I don't know exactly what he deals in, but I remember him telling me it was something about healthcare) and he has a Psych background, which is same same but different.

My gf has an interview next week for a job in Dunedin, so if you ever wanna have an office there, I know a guy who can man it. I am good at eating donuts, scratching my arse and spending days on end doing heaps of fuck all ;)


My member is more well known than yours
Jun 25, 2015
How did you get into health/pharma? Is that your background? My cousin's husband over in Portugal has a similar business (I don't know exactly what he deals in, but I remember him telling me it was something about healthcare) and he has a Psych background, which is same same but different.

My gf has an interview next week for a job in Dunedin, so if you ever wanna have an office there, I know a guy who can man it. I am good at eating donuts, scratching my arse and spending days on end doing heaps of fuck all ;)
My uni degree was Business Management, and I've always worked in marketing (print, film & tv, digital etc). Came to Australia, ended up with a Publishing company that had a Pharmacy B2B magazine (amongst others), and my wife has always worked for "Big Pharma". I liked the industry and things went from there - clients have good budgets, most are educated and have solid marketing plans which makes my job easier.
We've got offices in Sydney and Auckland, but no chance of ever hitting Dunedin bro. Do you know how cold if gets there in the winter?


Bruno no dey carry last
Dec 30, 2015
My uni degree was Business Management, and I've always worked in marketing (print, film & tv, digital etc). Came to Australia, ended up with a Publishing company that had a Pharmacy B2B magazine (amongst others), and my wife has always worked for "Big Pharma". I liked the industry and things went from there - clients have good budgets, most are educated and have solid marketing plans which makes my job easier.
We've got offices in Sydney and Auckland, but no chance of ever hitting Dunedin bro. Do you know how cold if gets there in the winter?
Nice mate..Sounds like its something that's always been around you professionally, so that makes a heck of a lotta sense.

I have no idea how cold it gets, but if she nails the interview and gets the job offer, my balls are ready.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
What do you do for a living?
  • I now work on trash trucks... I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that here and when talking to people irl, but... see #3

What are your prospects or isn't there any?
  • No idea... see #3

Does it pay well?
  • I started last Sept and was able to save up 20% down on a $190k home... so FUCK YEA!

Is it something you are lucky enough to enjoy or do you have to stick with it now (responsibilities etc)?
  • Everyone here knows mechanic work is a hobby of mine. That and the added challenge of the electric/pneumatic hydraulic systems keeps me entertained.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I work in the logistics industry basically track containers in real time in the yard with a computer for the yard hostlers,truck drivers, people inside the warehouse unloading/loading, u.s marshalls,d.e.a,u.s customs etc although dealing with the feds is above my pay grade.

I used to be a "Yard operator" which is basically like a non-union version of a longshoreman/stevedore sort of like the wire season 2.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Surprisingly, I used to advise clients, with an annual spend in excess of ÂŁ1 million energy budget, how to buy energy more strategically.

Now, I’m scared to say, a wealth manager dealing with corporate finances......


First 100
Jan 16, 2015

Now Ive come full circle. I'm an electrical test technician officially. But on trains now instead of aircraft. Basically a brand new train gets built, I go thru all the systems and see if they work, fix what I can and then fill out paperwork about who fucked up to hopefully prevent it happening next time around. Easy life.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Plus I have to do all the software and programming, basically anything that can't be done without power

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Fuck yeah, the two students I trained for the regional spelling bee for upper secondary school came in 1st and second place. Awesome!