This is completely off topic, but I call a lawyer's office all the time for years. They get a new receptionist and she asks your name each call. The lawyer has done business with me for 20 years, so all I need to say is my first name and he knows who is on the phone. The new receptionist would always ask for my last name after I stated my first name. She's new, doing her job, I get it. After about 6 months of this I knew there was no way I could even make a prank call disguising my voice where she wouldn't knkw it was me, yet she still asked for my last name on each call. Finally I switched it up on her. She asked for my name and I said "igor sonavich." She did her best to not laugh while on the phone and then I'm transferred to the lawyer. From there on out when she asks for my name I say igor and she has never asked for my last name again.