No democrat has said they were on the fence about kavenaugh prior to this allegation being made public. They were all "no" across the board. This allegation was was given to feinstien in july, JULY, yet it was made public just days before the vote? There is no criminal court that could prosecute this case, as there is no evidence, nor a credible story. It is just a story. The accuser states theRe was a witness. The witness says it didn't happen. The accuser states the name of a friend of hers who attended the party. The friend says she has zero recollection of being there. Kavenaugh says it didn't happen. There is no place of the incident happening. There is no year of the incident happening. Guilty until proven innocent is your take on the judicial process? No matter what there is slim doubt is your opinion? There is an allegation is your opinion? That is not how this country works. Only 28% of women in the country even believe this woman's story. 25% of men in the country believe her story. Here's an idea: if you have an allegation, perhaps don't wait 36 years to make it, and perhaps don't do it as soon as someone is up for political office.
So having said that, tell me again why kavenaugh is not fit for the court? Does he have a pattern of sexual misconduct? Did 65 women not come out immediately and vouch for his character? Does he not have every qualification for the position? Oh, he's conservative, that's right. Just be honest and don't hide behind your political bias.