so I just started looking into all this cuz I'm having my first kid but confused as fuk~ And I don't believe in Vaccines because I practice the Wim Hof breathing Method and take cold showers but recently saw my Doc and fell (they got me at "it's good for the baby") for getting the TDAP shot which I fuckin regret cuz of the side effects.
It's been 2 weeks and I've still been dealing with the side effects (flu symptoms) and I wonder if practicing the Wim Hof Method has anything to do with this. Because there's been studies where Wim gets injected with endotoxin (whatever that is, some virus) and by utiliizng his method (manipulating his auto-immune system), he fully clears the toxins out of his body.
I practice Wim Hof breathing everyday and take cold showers on the day I got the shot.
Not sure how all this works but I wonder if practicing the Wim Hof Method disrupts the vaccine fully reaching to where it needs to go in my system.
ANy health-care professionals know if Wim Hof Method would interact with the vaccines?