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Dec 17, 2018
The problem with identity politics calling everybody names is that people then slingshot the other way.

I'm on record saying Trump was wrong to tell these women to go back to their countries.
AOC set this stage to give him cover in her unwarranted attacks against pelosi.

It's incredible to me that the social left just doesn't understand this.

I will say I guess I was wrong in this backfiring and it appears that his plan worked
The left believes they are morally superior. They don't think about process. They think like children. They are terrible at strategy. Bulls in a china shop. Trump doesn't care if he's right or wrong. He enjoys fanning the flames. That usually isn't a presidential trait but there isn't anything usual about Trump.

Deleted member 1


Dear Democrats: This is not complicated! Just nominate a decent, sane person, one committed to reunifying the country and creating more good jobs, a person who can gain the support of the independents, moderate Republicans and suburban women who abandoned Donald Trump in the midterms and thus swung the House of Representatives to the Democrats and could do the same for the presidency. And that candidate can win!

But please, spare me the revolution! It can wait. Win the presidency, hold the House and narrow the spread in the Senate, and a lot of good things still can be accomplished. “No,” you say, “the left wants a revolution now!” O.K., I’ll give the left a revolution now: four more years of Donald Trump.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
The genius who rated my post drunk can answer Splinty's question for him if he likes.

I'm genuinely curious as to what the 'it' that Trump is doing and that Splinty approves of is referring to. I'm not trolling.

I'm also curious as to why the two articles detailing somewhat related but also separate phenomena, with different potential negative long-term and short-term impacts on the American economy, are both evidence of this 'it'.