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Nov 15, 2015
He's not a racist, he's a realist. He's called out Pelosi, Schumer, and tons of other white politicians. He went after Paul Ryan just 3 days ago. He calls out these four idiots, and suddenly he's a racist. It has nothing to do with skin color, but that's always the lefts go-to.

Denial of racism is probably worse than racism.
But when Megan McCain and Geraldo ere the common sense if "the right", then " the right" has truly lost its way.



Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
If a democratic PAC had any balls they would be running a commercial nonstop through the next election cycles and use some serious hyperbole and that tweet.

All it needs to say is that if you don't agree with Trump and have dark skin then he wants you "to go home" and that you should remember that when it's time that vote and remember that no Republicans rebuked it because they agree.

"Republicans want you to go home" should be in people's dreams when they're sleeping.

But that requires fire and a spine so it won't happen.
democrats are bust trying to out woke each other and cannibalizing themselves

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Are these dudes racist KWingJitsu @KWingJitsu?
They're idiots and bad comics trying to write a false narrative.

There are plenty of white males, and females, that have been very vocal in opposition of Trump and share some similar sentiments to the women he's talking about... He hasn't told any of them to go back to their country. Also, 3 out of 4 were born here and have the same claims to citizenship that he does... So it's just a fucking stupid, tone deaf, and absolutely ridiculous comment that's about as racist as you can get without just throwing slurs in the mix.

Also, as a very very fiscally conservative person Trump and the GOP are not at all what I want as a representative. The spending is out of control and there's no signs of stopping the hemorrhaging. Rand isn't going to do shit but whine every time a budget is up for discussion. The Dems are catering to the crazies and that definitely turns me off.
just want a government that doesn't tax the fuck out of me and doesn't feel the need to because we're not wasting money on every bullshit whim and padding the pockets of their friends. One that will look out for people and treat them with some decency and compassion but not to the point of coddling them.

That's all.. Nothing too crazy. And yet every one digs their heels in so deep that the majority of us just get fucked and left out with the waste because of how flawed and corrupt the system is.


Dec 15, 2018
she also refused to disavow the antifa shooter to a rebel media reporter on the way out of the building. they all did.
All 4 of the so-called fake and gay "Squad" are scum and have no business being in Congress. Omar is the worse IMO because she's legit dangerous and has proven she hates this country time and time again. I love that Tucker on his show called her out last week and said she hates America and Fox News has backed him eventhough the lamestream media + liberal cucks have called for his firing.

Ilhan Omar loves ISIS and hates America

Rep. Ilhan Omar asks judge for compassion in ISIS recruit sentencing