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Dec 15, 2018
Fake controversy. He's not paying anyone on his staff less than 15 bucks an hour, the problem is that some salaried staff are working more hours that they are not paid overtime for (like most salaried jobs in the world). His response is to make sure that they are only working the 40 hours a week for which they are actually paid, which is the entirely appropriate response.

The entire point of minimum wage legislation is that it only works if everyone has to pay it. The academic studies that show minimum wages don't result in net job loss are about the total society wide impacts - obviously they make certain low-wage positions no longer viable, but they increase consumer purchasing power which opens up other jobs.

Bernie's campaign is already at a competitive disadvantage because it isn't taking corporate bribes, so having to pay the minimum wage puts him at an even greater disadvantage. If the $15 dollar minimum wage law was in effect, then he would be less disadvantaged. That's the point.

Also, Imagine being the cunt who works for Bernie Sanders and then going to the media to try and rat fuck him over this. It's treacherous behavior. Political campaign work is not a regular job and many people do it for free. You are supposed to put in extra effort if you actually believe in the cause.
Hi Bernie!


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Also, Imagine being the cunt who works for Bernie Sanders and then going to the media to try and rat fuck him over this. It's treacherous behavior. Political campaign work is not a regular job and many people do it for free. You are supposed to put in extra effort if you actually believe in the cause.
Did you just blame someone for speaking out about being taken advantage of?


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
See my post above.

Bernie is not obligated to pay his staff these wages under the current system. And doing so already puts him at a competitive disadvantage.

Minimum wage laws work. Laws.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
"They should just be grateful to have a job!"
No, they should be grateful that they are paid more than staff members on their competitor's campaign teams and that their employer is putting himself at a serious disadvantage in order to pay them that much.

This isn't fucking rocket science.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
No, they should be grateful that they are paid more than staff members on their competitor's campaign teams and that their employer is putting himself at a serious disadvantage in order to pay them that much.

This isn't fucking rocket science.
Bernie is the one who publicly proclaimed he was going to pay everyone on his staff a $15 minimum wage, no one put a gun to his head. He did it because he claims that he believes it's the right thing to do. He chose to put himself at that disadvantage. Whoever is running his office (I seriously doubt Bernie had anything to with this) realized it's a fucking stupid idea and decided to overwork people on salary and in turn effectively paying them less than $15 per hour. At least one of these people feeling used (rightfully) went to the media about it. Now Bernie's's office has to deal with the consequences of their actions.

This isn't fucking rocket science.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Bernie is the one who publicly proclaimed he was going to pay everyone on his staff a $15 minimum wage, no one put a gun to his head. He did it because he claims that he believes it's the right thing to do. He chose to put himself at that disadvantage. Whoever is running his office (I seriously doubt Bernie had anything to with this) realized it's a fucking stupid idea and decided to overwork people on salary and in turn effectively paying them less than $15 per hour. At least one of these people feeling used (rightfully) went to the media about it. Now Bernie's's office has to deal with the consequences of their actions.

This isn't fucking rocket science.
Yes, and Bernie rectified the situation. I will admit to making an assumption - that whoever went to the media did so before exhausting every opportunity to fix the situation internally - and maybe that assumption is wrong. Maybe this was a last gasp effort to fix exploitation that Bernie was refusing to address. But I doubt it.

The story has become an attack on minimum wage laws, which makes no sense. If the story was just about labor exploitation, then it would have more credibility, but that's not the case.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Yes, and Bernie rectified the situation. I will admit to making an assumption - that whoever went to the media did so before exhausting every opportunity to fix the situation internally - and maybe that assumption is wrong. Maybe this was a last gasp effort to fix exploitation that Bernie was refusing to address. But I doubt it.

The story has become an attack on minimum wage laws, which makes no sense. If the story was just about labor exploitation, then it would have more credibility, but that's not the case.
Who's made this about minimum wage laws?


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The fucking post I initially responded to and almost every single article written about it, you utter mongoloid.
If I Google "Bernie Sanders Minimum wage" the first article that comes up is:

Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mockery

second is:

The articles are mostly about him potentially being in violation of labor laws. The Post article does detail the union trying to remedy the situation.

Here's the article that started the whole thing. It turns out this didn't make it to the press until after months of the union fighting with the campaign organizers:

Sweet name calling though. You always come off as so measured and rational in any interaction.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
If I Google "Bernie Sanders Minimum wage" the first article that comes up is:

Bernie Sanders campaign announces it will cut hours to pay staffers $15 minimum wage, prompting mockery

second is:

The articles are mostly about him potentially being in violation of labor laws. The Post article does detail the union trying to remedy the situation.

Here's the article that started the whole thing. It turns out this didn't make it to the press until after months of the union fighting with the campaign organizers:

Sweet name calling though. You always come off as so measured and rational in any interaction.
Mate, read the first sentence of the first article you posted.

"Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced this weekend he will cut staffers' hours so that they can effectively be paid a $15-an-hour minimum wage, prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence that Sanders' plan to raise the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment."

Literally the first fucking sentence. You peanut.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Mate, read the first sentence of the first article you posted.

"Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced this weekend he will cut staffers' hours so that they can effectively be paid a $15-an-hour minimum wage, prompting mockery from critics who say the move is more evidence that Sanders' plan to raise the national minimum wage is hypocritical and would only lead to less work and more unemployment."

Literally the first fucking sentence. You peanut.
So is that an article about minimum wage laws, or an article about people mocking Bernie Sanders? I anxiously await your findings.