What do you consider yourself an expert at? (non work related)

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Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
Was thinking about it a lot the other day and I find myself an expert in a few odd areas. Here's a list of them, in no particular order:


Deleted member 1

Nothing...Work took it all.

But I know enough about a lot to be dangerous at Jeopardy.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Was thinking about it a lot the other day and I find myself an expert in a few odd areas. Here's a list of them, in no particular order:

You and my brother would get along famously, at least for a bit.
He's got asperger's and comes over and rambles endlessly about all the above.
I know what it all is, but have no clue what he's talking about.
I really don't know another feeling like it.
Probably......probably like being forced to watch a terrible Ben Affleck movie.
It's truly torturous.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Slap firing m198 howitzers and being a general artillery fucking boss

And I fucking guaran-fucking-tee I eat better cooch than Priziesthorse @Priziesthorse

And an expert and knowing random bullshit that doesn't really matter

Ryann Von Doom

The Man
Jan 28, 2015
You and my brother would get along famously, at least for a bit.
He's got asperger's and comes over and rambles endlessly about all the above.
I know what it all is, but have no clue what he's talking about.
I really don't know another feeling like it.
Probably......probably like being forced to watch a terrible Ben Affleck movie.
It's truly torturous.
so.. learn about it? Which does he like?


You're all on steroids.
May 14, 2015
I'm good at spelling and pub trivia games. Doubt I'm making it onto the last transport leaving Earth.

Left Hook Larry

3x Undisputed Monsters Champ/King of Buttertooths
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I'm good at finding the easiest, most efficient way of doing things quickly.