raccoons are tree rats. Used to hunt them year round on the farm.
when I worked at a feed store, we had giant bins and conveyor/auger systems. And we had Bob Cat.
when the bins get low, someone has to climb in and shovel the grain on to the auger. That was me, 16 yo low-man on the totem pole. Can't be popping off rounds at rats in a grain bin, unless you want to send the whole shithouse skyward, so Bob always came with me in to the bins.
Throw a shovel of grain and a rat or mouse would jump out, and Bob was on it. He'd chase and corral it, pimp slap it, whatever he wanted. Right until another rodent was uncovered, then quick as a blink, he'd bite the one he was playing with and kill it, and start chasing the new one. Dude would do that ALL DAY. literally, 10 hours of snatching and killing rodents.
Best Cat EVA.
And Bob never ate the rats. He rode in the truck with me McDonalds, and he'd get his own french fries.