A 9/11 Conspiracy Film Worth Watching

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The burden of proof is on those who claim planes didn't actually hit the WTC, not the other way around. Like I said, it's easy to create a conspiracy around cherry picked footage, but it's illogical to suggest all the footage that exists of both planes hitting the towers is faked.

I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm neither for nor against either side specifically. I just find most of the inconsistencies fascinating.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
So are you against the official narrative but just don't believe in the 'no plane theory'? I must say until someone can scientifically debunks the actual physics of the collision or even the nose penetrating through the other end and not just dismiss it as debris. Im still believing that no commercial planes were used that day.
I dont believe commercial planes were used that day. Based on multiple witness accounts, there were no emblems, logo's and windows in the planes. They were gray or black w/ no windows. They were flying at 500+ mph at low altitude, which commercial planes can't accomplish.

Those were military planes that hit the towers...not a doubt in my mind.

Now where did the four "hijacked planes" go? Who knows. Who knows if any commercial planes were hijacked at all that day.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Watch for the explosion in the towers right before the plane hits in this video taken by the fireman. It wasn't the plane that caused it, because the plane hadn't made impact yet. It happens in a split second, but watch closely and you can see it.

I have the video set to play at the time. If bombs were set off inside building at the impact zone, or the military planes launched a missile into the buildings right before impact...it could have weakened the impact zone enough to avoid the planes breaking apart at impact.

View: https://youtu.be/dgM6hjNedE0?t=28s


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
The fires in the debris burned for 92 days at temps of 2500-3000 degrees. Impossible unless a material like thermate was used.


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
The fires in the debris burned for 92 days at temps of 2500-3000 degrees. Impossible unless a material like thermate was used.
Yeah pretty much this. The fact that they deny the high tempatures, molten steel, traces of thermite found shows that they are hiding/ignoring the evidence right in front of them

Those who demand a new scientific investigation are wasting their time. It will never happen and even if it does no one will be prosecuted for it. We are talkng about the highest level of the government. There's people above Bush, Obama. These guys are just puppets. This was planned long ago, way in advance. The Jewish influence behind 9/11 is also another shady area to look into without a doubt.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
I believe it was an inside job, just look who benefited, but what I don't get about the military plane idea is what about the passengers on the commercial planes? Disappeared into a bunker and disposed of?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I believe it was an inside job, just look who benefited, but what I don't get about the military plane idea is what about the passengers on the commercial planes? Disappeared into a bunker and disposed of?
Here's an interesting theory I found:

There was an explanation from whoever wrote "flight of the bumble planes". To understand this, you first have to know how the attack was arranged. You can figure this out by answering the following question: How can high-level government officials execute a terrorist attack alone, without any accomplices who are in on the plan?

The way you would do this is by ordering a bunch of seemingly unrelated simultaneous drills:

* radar drills including false radar blips, confusing signals.
* drone-fly drills that put drones in the sky
* flight-simulation drills to simulate flying planes into the world trade center and pentagon, to see if it is possible.
* hijacking drills aboard real commercial airliners involving CIA agents posing as terrorists.

As part of 4, you buy a lot of seats on the planes that are going to have the hijacking drill, so that there are only a very small number of authentic passengers. As pointed out on bumble-planes, there were very few passengers on all the flights (less than 200 total), together they would have fit on one jet. This is extremely unusual, to have planes that are only 1/3 full.

Once the drills start, you can easily pull a little switcheroo. You use the hijacking drill to get the airplanes to turn off their transponder, you use the radar-blip drill to switch the airplanes signal with nearby drone signal, at least as far as the operators are concerned.

You then have hooked up the flight-simulators to the drones and use the flight-simulation drill to get professional pilots to fly your planes into the world trade center and pentagon for real. While they are doing this, they think it's just an unusually realistic simulation.

The next few hours, they are going to realize what they did. They are the only people who know for sure that anything was different from what was reported (the handful of simulator pilots). But since the whole country is on high alert & in panic, you can do things to keep them quiet. Aside from these folks, everyone else just sees what looks like an incredible coincidence--- drills simulating events similar to what actually took place.

It is easy to rule something like this out--- no drills, no fake attack. You can't get people in the government to attack their own country. But drills of this exact sort were happening on 9-11. Although the drills were classified, some of them were leaked in 2002. There were many more drills, sending fighters to the north, space-agency drills distracting folks who get sattelite images, a whole bunch.

Once the transponders in the airliners are shut-off and the switch is pulled off, you have to deal with the commercial planes. One reasonable possibility is that they were ordered to land on a military base as part of the drill, and the passengers were all transferred to flight 93 (that went down in Pennsylvania). There was an airforce base located on the flight path of the planes involved. Then flight 93 was shot down.


All Around Dumbass
Feb 9, 2015
Ye I can see that going down during the NORAD messing that happened that morning, thanks.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Here's a post that I found on a 9/11 forum as well. Cant say for certain it's true, but it sounds like it.

I worked for the National Weather Service at the time of 9/11. NWS has direct ties to the FAA at all times. We at NWS knew for certain that the entire eastern seaboard and northeast region of NORAD was ordered to STAND DOWN on the morning of 9/11. No tracking or reporting of anything. This is why.


Jan 20, 2015
It may not be a big deal to most who doubt the official story,but no way did those fools fly those planes. Huge mistake by the government expecting people to believe those clowns,without any relevant training, maneuvered these jets the way they did. Impossible.
It was the first red flag for me.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
It may not be a big deal to most who doubt the official story,but no way did those fools fly those planes. Huge mistake by the government expecting people to believe those clowns,without any relevant training, maneuvered these jets the way they did. Impossible.
It was the first red flag for me.
Yes sir. Then reg flags turned into evidence (thermite found in the dust, molten steel, fires burning at 2500-3000 degree for 92 days, and the list goes on).

I came into this thread skeptical, but after researching it...the evidence is overwhelming. The American public needs to wake up, demand answers, and demand justice.

Ted Williams' head

It's freezing in here!
Sep 23, 2015
nothing will ever change my mind on the 9/11 "debate".

it was 100% an inside job. if you dont believe it was then you probably spent your whole life deluded believing everything the government told you while saluting the flag in class for 15 years. all the long thinking the government is on "your side" and couldnt do no wrong.


grade 'A' delusion.
It's funny how conspiracy guys all work the same way.

STEP 1: Explain your views.

STEP 2: Back them up by bringing up a time the government lied to the public, even if it has nothing to do with the event in question or happened 50-100 years ago.

STEP 3: If people don't buy into your beliefs, break out the ad hominem. Accuse them of being deluded sheep who, because they believe the official story in this case, obviously believe EVERYTHING they are told.

I guess in this case all you did was skip step 2 and spare everyone a rant about Pearl Harbour and the Golf of Tonkin... :/

I find it funny how conspiracy guys will find every inconsistency (or what they perceive as an inconsistency) in an official story and find it implausible... only to develop a wild conspiracy theory that is often 1000x more implausible with 1000x more holes.

But of course they would never question their conspiracy under the same intense scrutiny that they did the official story, because like most people (including the "sheep" they often insult), they believe what they want to believe. Conspiracy guys want to believe they're more intelligent than what they are, they have a natural hatred of the government and authority in general, and they want to feel like they're part of something bigger than they are; that they are more aware or enlightened than the general public.

They most often are not.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
It's funny how conspiracy guys all work the same way.

STEP 1: Explain your views.

STEP 2: Back them up by bringing up a time the government lied to the public, even if it has nothing to do with the event in question or happened 50-100 years ago.

STEP 3: If people don't buy into your beliefs, break out the ad hominem. Accuse them of being deluded sheep who, because they believe the official story in this case, obviously believe EVERYTHING they are told.

I guess in this case all you did was skip step 2 and spare everyone a rant about Pearl Harbour and the Golf of Tonkin... :/

I find it funny how conspiracy guys will find every inconsistency (or what they perceive as an inconsistency) in an official story and find it implausible... only to develop a wild conspiracy theory that is often 1000x more implausible with 1000x more holes.

But of course they would never question their conspiracy under the same intense scrutiny that they did the official story, because like most people (including the "sheep" they often insult), they believe what they want to believe. Conspiracy guys want to believe they're more intelligent than what they are, they have a natural hatred of the government and authority in general, and they want to feel like they're part of something bigger than they are; that they are more aware or enlightened than the general public.

They most often are not.
You've also not addressed any of the actual material and questions posed. You've done the exact thing you have accused others of doing, but with the opposite slant. Have you watched the original documentary in question?


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I'm about as NON tin foil hat as anyone you'll ever meet...but I find it hard to be believe that any semi-intelligent, open minded person that takes the time to research the facts about 9/11, would conclude there is no evidence of this being an inside job. There is so much overwhelming evidence of this being an inside job, that it's actually scary. Really scary. I never really gave much thought about what our Govt was capable of until I started digging into this.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I'm about as NON tin foil hat as anyone you'll ever meet...but I find it hard to be believe that any semi-intelligent, open minded person that takes the time to research the facts about 9/11, would conclude there is no evidence of this being an inside job. There is so much overwhelming evidence of this being an inside job, that it's actually scary. Really scary. I never really gave much thought about what our Govt was capable of until I started digging into this.
I would never have considered anything untoward until I moved to the UK.......and the more I look at it the more and more I truly agree with you. The problem you run into is you still want to say, "nah, the 90% of what I think is right is just crazy thinking, they wouldn't, right?"


Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
I'm about as NON tin foil hat as anyone you'll ever meet...but I find it hard to be believe that any semi-intelligent, open minded person that takes the time to research the facts about 9/11, would conclude there is no evidence of this being an inside job. There is so much overwhelming evidence of this being an inside job, that it's actually scary. Really scary. I never really gave much thought about what our Govt was capable of until I started digging into this.
Anyone who believes the official report in 2015 is either a shill or someone who's too ignorant to accept the truth.


First 100
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Do you guys actually believe that IF there was a 9/11 conspiracy that all of our "enemies" wouldn't be all over it?? You think for one second that Russia and China wouldn't be in front of the UN saying: hey these US guys total planned this whole thing! What about ISIS and Alqueda? You know that these knuckle draggers would be screaming it from every mountain top and goat-fucking festival if it wasn't how it went down. They (NYPD?) found part of one of the planes landing gear about 6-9 months ago lodged between two buildings. Maybe the tooth fairy put it there.
I also like how everyone calls GWB and Chenney the biggest morons ever but then turn around and say the planned the biggest conspiracy the world has EVER seen IN 9 MONTHS???????? FYI you do realize how many people would have to be behind something of this magnitude? And NO ONE has ever came out and spoke the "truth"? These are the same people who can't figure out how to tie their own shoes with a congressional hearing and 1000 spreadsheets. The government does some crazy shit at times but its because of incompetence not malice. I do think there are a number of BS events/things that happened but only a small amount.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
Do you guys actually believe that IF there was a 9/11 conspiracy that all of our "enemies" wouldn't be all over it?? You think for one second that Russia and China wouldn't be in front of the UN saying: hey these US guys total planned this whole thing! What about ISIS and Alqueda? You know that these knuckle draggers would be screaming it from every mountain top and goat-fucking festival if it wasn't how it went down. They (NYPD?) found part of one of the planes landing gear about 6-9 months ago lodged between two buildings. Maybe the tooth fairy put it there.
I also like how everyone calls GWB and Chenney the biggest morons ever but then turn around and say the planned the biggest conspiracy the world has EVER seen IN 9 MONTHS???????? FYI you do realize how many people would have to be behind something of this magnitude? And NO ONE has ever came out and spoke the "truth"? These are the same people who can't figure out how to tie their own shoes with a congressional hearing and 1000 spreadsheets. The government does some crazy shit at times but its because of incompetence not malice. I do think there are a number of BS events/things that happened but only a small amount.
I find some of this event sketchy and don't for a second think that the govt would never consider something like this.
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Do you guys actually believe that IF there was a 9/11 conspiracy that all of our "enemies" wouldn't be all over it?? You think for one second that Russia and China wouldn't be in front of the UN saying: hey these US guys total planned this whole thing! What about ISIS and Alqueda? You know that these knuckle draggers would be screaming it from every mountain top and goat-fucking festival if it wasn't how it went down. They (NYPD?) found part of one of the planes landing gear about 6-9 months ago lodged between two buildings. Maybe the tooth fairy put it there.
I also like how everyone calls GWB and Chenney the biggest morons ever but then turn around and say the planned the biggest conspiracy the world has EVER seen IN 9 MONTHS???????? FYI you do realize how many people would have to be behind something of this magnitude? And NO ONE has ever came out and spoke the "truth"? These are the same people who can't figure out how to tie their own shoes with a congressional hearing and 1000 spreadsheets. The government does some crazy shit at times but its because of incompetence not malice. I do think there are a number of BS events/things that happened but only a small amount.
What are Russia and China going to say? We think the US blew up the towers by themselves, and then what? The US says no, gets angry at them for no real gain, the US people would write it off as commie lies. There is no real upside for them, even if they could reasonably prove it, since it would just be dismissed as lies and fabricated evidence from a hostile commie country.

As far as only having 6-9 months, America invaded Afghanistan within 3 months, right? Regardless, it has been proven the US have had these sorts of plans already worked out since the 60s. Who is to say that it wasn't written up and just waiting to be put into action?

As for the hundreds of people, I doubt it. Most of it would have been set up to have unwitting dupes. There were many military drills going on that day, who knows what some military guys thought they were doing that day, but then disappeared afterwards. Explosives in the towers could have been setup by a small team, who would have had easy access to the tower, when all the security measures were turned off in the days leading up to 9/11.

Really, just watch that video, there are far to many questions about the whole ordeal that need answers.
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Posting Machine
Aug 2, 2015
Do you guys actually believe that IF there was a 9/11 conspiracy that all of our "enemies" wouldn't be all over it?? You think for one second that Russia and China wouldn't be in front of the UN saying: hey these US guys total planned this whole thing! What about ISIS and Alqueda? You know that these knuckle draggers would be screaming it from every mountain top and goat-fucking festival if it wasn't how it went down. They (NYPD?) found part of one of the planes landing gear about 6-9 months ago lodged between two buildings. Maybe the tooth fairy put it there.
I also like how everyone calls GWB and Chenney the biggest morons ever but then turn around and say the planned the biggest conspiracy the world has EVER seen IN 9 MONTHS???????? FYI you do realize how many people would have to be behind something of this magnitude? And NO ONE has ever came out and spoke the "truth"? These are the same people who can't figure out how to tie their own shoes with a congressional hearing and 1000 spreadsheets. The government does some crazy shit at times but its because of incompetence not malice. I do think there are a number of BS events/things that happened but only a small amount.
Again, just like every one who supports the official story, this guy cannot address any of the facts, evidence, theories that have been put forward. Instead he uses debate tactics to dismiss everything. Similar to when government officials say "Why would bush kill his own people"

You claim that if it was fake Russia and China would have said something. Do you know that Putin has said on video several times that 9/11 was an inside job and he claims he has satellite footage to prove this? The video is on YouTube.

You also claim that George Bush and Cheney couldn't have masterminded the 9/11 attack. Who said they orchestrated it? You don't think there's people above them in the government? Im pretty sure they were planning it for a lot longer than 9 months...

Many people shared your opinion and views UNTIL they did their own research and now they are looking at things from a completely different perspective. You're living in a bubble bro. Wake the fuck up.

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
Here's a post that I found on a 9/11 forum as well. Cant say for certain it's true, but it sounds like it.

I worked for the National Weather Service at the time of 9/11. NWS has direct ties to the FAA at all times. We at NWS knew for certain that the entire eastern seaboard and northeast region of NORAD was ordered to STAND DOWN on the morning of 9/11. No tracking or reporting of anything. This is why.
I've seen this before. it was talked about in one of the documentaries on netflix. i wonder if that's true. the person claimed that they were waiting for a response to attack, and it was denied.