NSFW Possibly omw to get killed

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First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Everyone has dreams, I often come along as that ice cold bucket of water that gets thrown on that sleeping individual to wake them the fuck up
I would grab your girly hair until you squeal and then deliver the final uppercut


member 603

I would grab your girly hair until you squeal and then deliver the final uppercut

You know, you run your mouth quite a bit in here, and your schtick has grown tiresome. On one hand, you've become such an irritation, that by all accounts, you should be put down like a rabid animal... But you're so pathetic, that letting you live your sad, miserable existence may actually be the punishment you deserve.

Too swole to control

I’ll fight anyone on here except Sex Chicken
Oct 28, 2015
Do you ever stop whining? Even when you're posting and the other guy can't...just crying all the time about the same shit that isn't true.
It is true. I got pinked for calling a guy "fogle" and told to leave him alone.
I was followed around by the same dipshits for months being called a liar.....which was ok w everyone. I made a thread offering any proof that was asked for to end all that. Hmmmmm what happened there....oh yeah the thread was locked by mods cuz they didn't want that thread on the site for some reason.
I was also banned out of a thread after one post that didn't mention anyone specific cuz I said this site was full of incels and mods thought my one post may provoke someone on the site into an argument.
I could go on. U keep saying I'm crying. U just get mad when u have to discipline your buddy. I respond to ppl who are taking my thread off topic which includes you. Btw it seems to be ok for anyone and everyone to take my threads crazy off topic . But I got blocked from a thread for one post that wasn't off topic. You are the fucking cryass. You expect to not be called out on your shit and I'm not the only one saying it. U seem to be trying to provoke me into flipping out so you can pink me. How bout you make your own thread and shit in it. Stop doing it here. Everyone knows u think I cry a lot. The stuff I just posted is true and said by several other ppl


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
You know, you run your mouth quite a bit in here, and your schtick has grown tiresome. On one hand, you've become such an irritation, that by all accounts, you should be put down like a rabid animal... But you're so pathetic, that letting you live your sad, miserable existence may actually be the punishment you deserve.
You would never say that to my face


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Serious question tho. In a altercation on the street would you shoot in and try and take it to the ground. Let's assume things are escalated and you know for certain it's gonna be a fight, what's the attack for bjj


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
It is true. I got pinked for calling a guy "fogle" and told to leave him alone.
I was followed around by the same dipshits for months being called a liar.....which was ok w everyone. I made a thread offering any proof that was asked for to end all that. Hmmmmm what happened there....oh yeah the thread was locked by mods cuz they didn't want that thread on the site for some reason.
I was also banned out of a thread after one post that didn't mention anyone specific cuz I said this site was full of incels and mods thought my one post may provoke someone on the site into an argument.
I could go on. U keep saying I'm crying. U just get mad when u have to discipline your buddy. I respond to ppl who are taking my thread off topic which includes you. Btw it seems to be ok for anyone and everyone to take my threads crazy off topic . But I got blocked from a thread for one post that wasn't off topic. You are the fucking cryass. You expect to not be called out on your shit and I'm not the only one saying it. U seem to be trying to provoke me into flipping out so you can pink me. How bout you make your own thread and shit in it. Stop doing it here. Everyone knows u think I cry a lot. The stuff I just posted is true and said by several other ppl
Bro. Channel your inner princess and...let it go.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bU


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Serious question tho. In a altercation on the street would you shoot in and try and take it to the ground. Let's assume things are escalated and you know for certain it's gonna be a fight, what's the attack for bjj
You break their arm off and hand it to them.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
You break their arm off and hand it to them.
Meh. I can't fully focus on bjj as great as it is. If I'm at the pub and some dirty thieving scouser punches me I'll still be knocked out. That negates all the ground game shit.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Interesting you not telling splinty to let it go. He the one who keeps saying the same thing over and over to me as if it isn't true when it is. How bout I do what I want and u do what u want
I'm only trying to help, bro. Folks are only doing it because they know it bothers you.
I enjoy your posts and don't want to see you get all pissed off and leave again. I'd miss your chlamydia-riddled stories of bondage and bleeding assholes.

Too swole to control

I’ll fight anyone on here except Sex Chicken
Oct 28, 2015
I'm only trying to help, bro. Folks are only doing it because they know it bothers you.
I enjoy your posts and don't want to see you get all pissed off and leave again. I'd miss your chlamydia-riddled stories of bondage and bleeding assholes.
I appreciate it man. But if staying here means I have to eat shit other ppl aren't expected to eat then I won't be here. It isn't too hard to find someones weaknesses and hammer them w it. I have done it to others and been shut down by mods. I don't expect it to be done to me unless I can do the same. Anyway hope u have a good day thanks


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I appreciate it man. But if staying here means I have to eat shit other ppl aren't expected to eat then I won't be here. It isn't too hard to find someones weaknesses and hammer them w it. I have done it to others and been shut down by mods. I don't expect it to be done to me unless I can do the same. Anyway hope u have a good day thanks
Stop being a fanny. Ignore him or quit being a pussy about it.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Stop being a fanny. Ignore him or quit being a pussy about it.
Too swole to control @Fraud Baby

I hate to admit it but the little guy is right for once. Just click ignore on the shitheads and they disappear from your existence.

God knows that I have a few asshats on ignore and they've never even came after me. They're just idiots and cunts and they're not even fun ones.