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Formerly formulating formally
Jan 30, 2015
I've had the same experiences but that doesn't mean we should use slurs. You aimed it at a boxing world champion.
This is true and I have no issue with my ban.

I respect Furys boxing ability, I don't respect his poor me attitude and his bullshit sob story, or his perennial victim complex, that said calling him and his wife animals was probably a step too far.


Formerly formulating formally
Jan 30, 2015
Traveller walks into the dole office to collect his cheque and says to the social welfare officer " I wish I had a job rather than having free money handed to me"

Welfare officer says " You're right on time, we just had an opening, there is a beautiful rich woman here looking for a new butler, you'll have to drive her to her appointments, help her look after her affairs and be at her disposal for what ever she needs. She recently lost her husband and will need to be serviced in the bedroom as well, her daughter will probably want to join in and maybe some of her friends, but a fine strapping man like your self should have no problem."

Traveller says "are you taking the piss out of me"

Welfare officer replies " You started it mate"