I don't think it's good to suggest such things to people so carelessly.
I think your intentions are good, but isolation and monetary penalities are bad things for low risk individuals.
Not kidding.
So what do you picture doing with your expensive masks? Wearing them how often? What about others? What's their efficacy after an hour, four hours, etc?
What result will let you know your actions weren't effective, but rather the threat was lower than you realized? If you've neighbors, who are not following your lead, all end up healthy and the current outbreak tapers off like swine, bird, sars, mers etc. will you feel justified still? Should everyone spend thousands on a relatively low risk threat? What is a higher threat in your life right now that doesn't get such resources behind it?
I only have 3 expensive masks.
They're something everyone should have at some point imo, but a few weeks ago I pulled the trigger before the "condition" was allowed to be reported on by msm.
These are chemical/biological/nuclear, so they cover the gambit, and I recommend those to anyone(if they can get them still)who want to protect themselves, period.
They are NOT the link I provided.
Mine is military grade & certified out of Italy.
The Israeli mask is actually a mask, that's the link I provided.
Those are the ones everyone should get their hands on if they can, probably $20.
But as I said, they are being shipped to danger zones first, and likely being replicated by 100 companies as we speak.
I highly doubt that cimpany will have availability any time soon.
I've been neck-deep in this for awhile.
I encourage everyone, as I've said multiple times, to do their own research & do what they feel is right for them and their families. And as I've said, worst case by following my advice is being over-prepared and healthy; none of my earlier recommendations break the bank.
After having the first U.S. case in the same hospital I was in 2x , 2 days after I was there, then being bedridden for 3 weeks & coughing up blood, I thought it best to research intensively & trust my old man judgement.