@Greenbean myself & others have some thoughts surrounding this probably more concerning than the virus(disease) itself.
Eg; 5g, vaccines, ph/alkaline levels, bioweapon, martial law, etc.
Also for non-msm articles.
I've been following the thread for a couple days. It's very informative and I appreciate your input.
A couple things. Marial law, if it happens in the us, will be short lived if at all. That's a bad look for a government and ultimately, as focused as trump is on the economy, I don't think he wants that. Bio weapon, I mean this as no insult to anyone, but I was at my doctors for a check-up and I mentioned this to him and asked if he entertained the idea if it being a bio weapon and he said no. Without going into too much detail, I take that guys word to the bank. He is the smartest guy I know and if he tells me to physically stick my head up my own ass, I'm doing it without question. That's just the confidence I have in that guys knowledge. Not only book smarts, but common sense smart.
He said if it were a bio weapon, it would be a very poorly designed weapon given the mortality rate. Even at 20% it would be an inefficient bio weapon. He said if it were designed, it would look something closer to 80%-100% mortality. He said think black plague and now your getting into what a bio weapon can do.
Don't know much about the other suggestions mentioned. 5g, as far as I know it's for driverless cars and there are theories that it can cause cancer? And also forced vaccines, I can see that. They say never let a tragedy go to waste, right? Who knows, all I know is that some of the videos floating around coming out of china is suspect to me.