UFC 248 Live Discussion - 3/7/20

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Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
They aren't letting him go. Dude is a killer. I wonder how many fights he has left on his contract.
I think he's tired of being on the shelf. Hasn't fought in a while and is 1-4 so he's at risk anyway. Trying to be squeaky and get fed.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
i think they all are, but zangs on some special strong chinese stuff
The Chinese were pretty good at doping even back when the scientific approach to athletic improvement usually involved collecting charms to fend off evil spirits and getting magical powers by deepthroating tiger penises.

Now that it's a technologically advanced country, they are like the East Germans and Russians on steroids now, and I mean that both metaphorically and literally.

In saying that, us Aussies are collectively probably the biggest drug cheats in the world, because we've even managed to convince ourselves that we are clean and instead just spew jingoistic shit like what I typed above about everyone else.