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Nov 14, 2019


Sports equipment store decides it's an essential service...

Yeah, this is what I was trying to say basically.

there is no real leadership.

when Johnson says you can go to work and cunts make their employees go to work and couple that with less
public transport.....then you will get millions of people unnecessarily exposed.

through no real fault of their own bar wanting a wage.

he should have done this last Friday.

my guess is he will do this on Wednesday but really he wants to hold on till Friday.

I’m sure these 4 days mean hundreds of millions of pounds but what does a UK life cost to the UK prime minister?

he need to properly lock down or just say it’s not worth the cost.

this half and half Stage is pointless.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I've seen more and more facemasks being worn out in public. Of course this has been normal in Asian cultures. There's more social pressure to wear them with the explanation that is simply works. That this will stop asymptomatic spreading, etc. Why is there still noise -specifically here in the US- that them facemasks don't work? Especially having seen this in Asian countries as the norm? Anyone?


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I've seen more and more facemasks being worn out in public. Of course this has been normal in Asian cultures. There's more social pressure to wear them with the explanation that is simply works. That this will stop asymptomatic spreading, etc. Why is there still noise -specifically here in the US- that them facemasks don't work? Especially having seen this in Asian countries as the norm? Anyone?
i watched the K1 grand prix on saturday from japan and pretty much 100% of the audience had facemasks on


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
i watched the K1 grand prix on saturday from japan and pretty much 100% of the audience had facemasks on
But why do specifically Americans claim they don't work? Serious question. Do or don't they work? And no, I don't care what the CDC says, cause they have claimed both. Could it be just to discourage people from buying them so they can hide the fact they weren't prepared?

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I've seen more and more facemasks being worn out in public. Of course this has been normal in Asian cultures. There's more social pressure to wear them with the explanation that is simply works. That this will stop asymptomatic spreading, etc. Why is there still noise -specifically here in the US- that them facemasks don't work? Especially having seen this in Asian countries as the norm? Anyone?
A week or two ago I heard that most of the face masks wouldnt work cause the seal doesn't suffice or something

Theres a facemask with a number in its name, and those are the ones thar are legit for healthcare professionals

Actually ignore my dumbass since we have doctors here lol


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
A week or two ago I heard that most of the face masks wouldnt work cause the seal doesn't suffice or something

Theres a facemask with a number in its name, and those are the ones thar are legit for healthcare professionals

And ignore mt dumbass actually since we have doctors here lol
I recall @Splinty commenting on the use of facemasks yes.


Nov 14, 2019
But why do specifically Americans claim they don't work? Serious question. Do or don't they work? And no, I don't care what the CDC says, cause they have claimed both. Could it be just to discourage people from buying them so they can hide the fact they weren't prepared?

I’m sure @Splinty can give a better answer.

but basically. Say you wear a mask, you're walking down the street. You smell traffic fumes through said mask.

well sheeit. That virus is smaller than those smells.

what it can do if you are infected is to stop the virus from being a miasma from your face.

It only really works if you’re infected


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
But why do specifically Americans claim they don't work? Serious question. Do or don't they work? And no, I don't care what the CDC says, cause they have claimed both. Could it be just to discourage people from buying them so they can hide the fact they weren't prepared?
they dont work in the way that people think they do. a n95 mask is for dust and particulate. germs go right thru them. if you want to keep out germs it takes a respirator with properly rated charcoal filters. the way n95 and surgical masks work is they keep the wearer from coughing everywhere .it basically stops you from coughing and sneezing and spraying spit and grossness into the air.