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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
In summers infection rate will slow down. It will start to get better from may.
Ecuador is calling you a liar.

Evidence of this 'summer slow down'?

Also, whatever slow down comes (most likely in arid climates), is going to come back in the fall and winter months.
so over the course of a year, you'll still have 70% infected.

Deleted member 1

not saying we're doing the right things at the moment but US is one of the hardest countries to contain since Muricans love freedom

times like now are the one of the few times where it benefits for a system of Government who can spy on you

sparkuri @sparkuri !!!


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
US is one of the hardest countries to contain since Muricans love freedom
Exactly. People being stubborn.

State of emergency really implies that their amendments and constitutional rights are on a vacation. The president right now can freeze your bank account, shut off your phone, seize your privately owned gold, deploy the army in your backyard, suspend the government. Those freedoms are gone now fren. Until this is over.

The EZ Life

Posting Machine
Aug 6, 2015
What would be really good is someone who is on the frontline in an area that is in a current hot spot I guess.

Someone that can impart knowledge not only for those in the immediate vicinity but give an understanding to the rest of the world.

They don't need to be the top dog. Just someone telling it as it is.

For instance a New York nurse now is news. A Seattle surgeon isn't .

I'm back in in Friday.

If you have any thoughts please let me know. It's just an idea. Not saying anything will come of it but I know we want immediacy. Just the facts on the ground is what the world wants basically.
I saw on Facebook a nurse made a Facebook post basically saying the were not prepared, are stuck without proper protective gear, equipment, and medicine, so they are in the position of literally choosing who to save and not save. She said something like usually people die in hospitals due to the doctors trying everything they can and it was just their time, but with this, people are going to die without the chance to even be saved.


Deleted member 1

Ecuador is calling you a liar.
What's the temp in Ecuador right now?
What's the humidity?
How's that compared to Nevada Arizona Texas Louisiana and Mississippi in July?

Evidence of this 'summer slow down'?
Here's one...

Also other Coronaviruses are nearly absent in transmission in the American South in the summer. Noroviruses tend to uptick. Yes I have a very American centric view here. I don't know what viruses do in Europe which has people heat stroking if they have a mild Texas summer in France.

Social changes and things as simple as cars being so hot that standing respiratory droplets are rapidly dried reduce R0 values. This current virus isn't magical. It still needs respiratory droplets. It still needs close contact.

Also, whatever slow down comes (most likely in arid climates), is going to come back in the fall and winter months.
This is exactly my concern. Dr Fauci has also publicly made this suggestion.
Unless we get real good interventions the fall flu season is going to be an absolute shit show.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
What's the temp in Ecuador right now?
What's the humidity?
How's that compared to Nevada Arizona Texas Louisiana and Mississippi in July?

Here's one...

Also other Coronaviruses are nearly absent in transmission in the American South in the summer. Noroviruses tend to uptick. Yes I have a very American centric view here. I don't know what viruses do in Europe which has people heat stroking if they have a mild Texas summer in France.

Social changes and things as simple as cars being so hot that standing respiratory droplets are rapidly dried reduce R0 values. This current virus isn't magical. It still needs respiratory droplets. It still needs close contact.

This is exactly my concern. Dr Fauci has also publicly made this suggestion.
Unless we get real good interventions the fall flu season is going to be an absolute shit show.
Pretty sure India is hot and humid.


Chinese Virus
Feb 11, 2016
Ecuador is calling you a liar.

Evidence of this 'summer slow down'?

Also, whatever slow down comes (most likely in arid climates), is going to come back in the fall and winter months.
so over the course of a year, you'll still have 70% infected.
Summer will be evidence. It may come back in fall, but the world will be ready.
Masks aren't going any where this year.

Deleted member 1

Pretty sure India is hot and humid.

Yeah what's their current R0 value?
What would it be if India was 20F cooler?
Also humidity is protective for the virus. Maybe not with heat and humidity?

How much of that is because of this...

Does anywhere in the American South look like that day to day?

R0 values are variables taking in consideration of the virus behavior but also social environmental variables.

The question is what evidence. There's a paper there and other Coronaviruses don't transmit as well in the American South summer. There's the evidence. Now we will see what happens in July in Texas.

Deleted member 1

Solid Rock Church continues public worship services during coronavirus outbreak

These fucks went so far as to invite motorists speeding by on I-75 to stop on in for a quick dose of God.

Residents of the area want it shut down. The cult church says they'll stay open until forced not to, leaning on their 1st amendment rights.

They offer live streaming, but let's be real here - You can't fill a collection basket on a live stream. That's all this place cares about.

For the record - most churches around here have closed.

Something kind of interesting to think about is the activities that occur in a group that might enhance transmission.

For instance here's this choir
Dozens of choir members sickened by coronavirus, 2 dead, after early March rehearsal
Not sure if that was already posted.

Singing belting out notes probably enhances the amount of respiratory droplets you're spitting out over just regular talking.

So then you start thinking about these mega churches with everybody singing hymns at the same time. Large crowd and close and singing? As these examples come out I'm having a hard time figuring out a worse scenario other than maybe Mardi gras for All the obvious reasons.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I saw on Facebook a nurse made a Facebook post basically saying the were not prepared, are stuck without proper protective gear, equipment, and medicine, so they are in the position of literally choosing who to save and not save. She said something like usually people die in hospitals due to the doctors trying everything they can and it was just their time, but with this, people are going to die without the chance to even be saved.

Thats called triage, and its a shitty part of the job, she needs to get over that if shes in a medical profession. You literally can not save everyone.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Thats called triage, and its a shitty part of the job, she needs to get over that if shes in a medical profession. You literally can not save everyone.
It's also worth noting that as a general rule people who work in the medical profession that aren't doctors are huge hypochondriacs.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
It's also worth noting that as a general rule people who work in the medical profession that aren't doctors are huge hypochondriacs.
It's very clear in the medical field who has seen shit hit the fan and who has not, this dummy has not. She probably lives in la la land.

Deleted member 1

Thats called triage, and its a shitty part of the job, she needs to get over that if shes in a medical profession. You literally can not save everyone.

You and I know this. but when you're triaging somebody in a combat or other austere environment you just blame the setup. Hey I'm doing surgery in the back of a tent? Anything that goes right in that scenario is a win. But it still beats you up if you don't do it right.

The great majority of the United States healthcare system and personnel is not trained or prepared for a mass casualty event. And especially not if that mass casualty event is a medical mass casualty.

It is going to be incredibly traumatic for many of us if we have to start triaging who gets pulled off a ventilator before finishing treatment because somebody else is younger or has more utilitarian function for some other reason. That kind of withdrawal of care is not even something considered in the military. You triage them as they come in and start getting to work. And if you're in the middle of a surgery on an old guy you don't stop to start doing surgery on the young guy that just showed up. but that's kind of the analogy of what the ventilator choice will be. And that's some hard stuff to deal with.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
You and I know this. but when you're triaging somebody in a combat or other austere environment you just blame the setup. Hey I'm doing surgery in the back of a tent? Anything that goes right in that scenario is a win. But it still beats you up if you don't do it right.

The great majority of the United States healthcare system and personnel is not trained or prepared for a mass casualty event. And especially not if that mass casualty event is a medical mass casualty.

It is going to be incredibly traumatic for many of us if we have to start triaging who gets pulled off a ventilator before finishing treatment because somebody else is younger or has more utilitarian function for some other reason. That kind of withdrawal of care is not even something considered in the military. You triage them as they come in and start getting to work. And if you're in the middle of a surgery on an old guy you don't stop to start doing surgery on the young guy that just showed up. but that's kind of the analogy of what the ventilator choice will be. And that's some hard stuff to deal with.
I agree with what you are saying, and I totally get it. Triage sucks, its going to fuck people up for sure, I mean who wants to kill grandma? No one.
This is one of those events that will make or break people and unfortunately she needs to put her big girl pants on, and do the most good she can. It fucking sucks, and I certainly don't envy her or anyone elses position that has to do this. I've had to triage some of my best friends, its fucking terrible, but because of that others are still around.

Adulting sucks sometimes, a fucking lot.