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Deleted member 1

I still love ya boss, our differences are likely astrological and unavoidable
I love you too. I just want you to admit what I know (you hate the idea of lockdown) or blow my mind with the greatest surprise ending (you actually LOVE lockdowns wtf).

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I love you too. I just want you to admit what I know (you hate the idea of lockdown) or blow my mind with the greatest surprise ending (you actually LOVE lockdowns wtf).
I got no problem with a form of lockdown in hard hit areas.
In areas with no action or low action I cannot support it.

I just don't find a long term lockdown sustainable in any way.

My girlfriend is loving the lockdown though...even though she is making like 10% the money she used to...maybe that is why I need lockdown lifted haha
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TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
By definition, asymptomatic people aren't coughing and sneezing.

6' distance. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face.

"Large droplets are still a means of infection, but researchers now say that tiny airborne particles may also carry infectious virus. “Currently available research supports the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients’ exhalation,” researchers from the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine wrote in an April 1 report to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy."

"The report also notes that genetic material from the virus was detected more than two meters (six feet) away from patients’ hospital beds."



Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Just for posterity. This is the guidance given.

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.’ In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

But this is generally the reality for every death. Your attending physician takes all facts and makes a best estimate of cause of death. Your PCP might very well be filling out your death certificate after you die at home from a heart attack. Wut? Yep. That's a common process.

It gets even less salacious when you take the time to view his states general disease guidance.

Pg 18 (CTRL-F for others)

His claim is that Coronavirus deaths are suddenly being presumed, but that isn't anything new in the states guidance on death certificates. He just didn't know that.

Qualifying the Cause of Death
It is acceptable to use the word “probable” or “presumed” to qualify a cause of death
when certainty about the cause of death is lacking.
Case Scenario 9. A 67-year-old man has known coronary artery disease. At home, he has
chest pain and goes to the emergency room, dying before a diagnosis can be made.
Part I
A. Probable acute myocardial infarct
Due to, or as a consequence of:
B. Coronary artery atherosclerosis
Due to, or as a consequence of:
Due to, or as a consequence of:
Part II OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause of death in Part I
Manner of Death
This matches the CDC guidance for others:
CTRL-F presume

It has nothing to do with Coronavirus
I'm no fancy big city medicine-talking-guy, but this whole notion that there is some perfectly co-ordinated, perfectly scientifically-based, perfectly infallible death certificate generating bureaucracy is a complete fantasy. Here is what Splinty is talking about:

Coronavirus death toll hard to track: 1 in 3 death certificates wrong.

All this nonsense about false counts needs to stop. Coronavirus death rates are nothing more than a guide to guide resource allocation.

You milk shitters need to learn two words and two words only - 'excess' and 'deaths'. That's the only data that will truly matter. If you aren't talking excess deaths...



For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Since the 24th. I've been having lost appetite and a little diarrhea before that, but the 24th I had a low grade fever (99.1) and started getting congested. Had a coughing fit, but it was alleviated by Tussin. Had a slight sore throat, but it didn't last. Had headaches yesterday and mostly just runny nose and being tired and out of it. Been taking temp and it's mostly low but my thermometer is old and gives inconsistent reads. Tonight I ate and it didn't taste like much but I thought nothing of it. Then did the garlic and mustard and nothing.

Haven't been around anyone for 6 weeks. Only went to rite aid 3x for food supplies in that time. Masked last time. Only other contact was a few GrubHub deliveries. People have been coughing a lot in my bldg though.
Do deep breathing exercises for at least 2 mins every hour that you are awake. Set the alarm on your phone for every hour. Vitamin c and d if you can get it. Look beside the cough drops, they usually have vitamin c packets or immune support gummies there (they have more vitamins in them than just c, zinc etc). Start proning if you feel short of breath.

This part has to be each one's choice, but if I get it and have to go to hospital I'm going to insist on high flow oxygen and no intubation. We've had some good outcomes with high flow oxygen and patients proning themselves, in the younger, healthier ones.

Take care, please.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016

"Large droplets are still a means of infection, but researchers now say that tiny airborne particles may also carry infectious virus. “Currently available research supports the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 could be spread via bioaerosols generated directly by patients’ exhalation,” researchers from the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine wrote in an April 1 report to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy."

"The report also notes that genetic material from the virus was detected more than two meters (six feet) away from patients’ hospital beds."
If you can smell someone's bad breath, you're too close.

And I can hock a loogie over 12', so not surprising that you would find traces of the virus over 6' away from an actively sick person.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Since the 24th. I've been having lost appetite and a little diarrhea before that, but the 24th I had a low grade fever (99.1) and started getting congested. Had a coughing fit, but it was alleviated by Tussin. Had a slight sore throat, but it didn't last. Had headaches yesterday and mostly just runny nose and being tired and out of it. Been taking temp and it's mostly low but my thermometer is old and gives inconsistent reads. Tonight I ate and it didn't taste like much but I thought nothing of it. Then did the garlic and mustard and nothing.

Haven't been around anyone for 6 weeks. Only went to rite aid 3x for food supplies in that time. Masked last time. Only other contact was a few GrubHub deliveries. People have been coughing a lot in my bldg though.
Hope ya feel better soon, bro.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Do deep breathing exercises for at least 2 mins every hour that you are awake. Set the alarm on your phone for every hour. Vitamin c and d if you can get it. Look beside the cough drops, they usually have vitamin c packets or immune support gummies there (they have more vitamins in them than just c, zinc etc). Start proning if you feel short of breath.

This part has to be each one's choice, but if I get it and have to go to hospital I'm going to insist on high flow oxygen and no intubation. We've had some good outcomes with high flow oxygen and patients proning themselves, in the younger, healthier ones.

Take care, please.
Why the breathing exercises & proning?

Why Oxygen > intubation?

Deleted member 1

Why the breathing exercises & proning?

Why Oxygen > intubation?
Self-selection of potential phenotypic differences.
Some patients develop ARDs. Some do not.
Early on we don't have a good way to differentiate the two. Like when they show up in the emergency department.

There are about 10 posts of me spazzing out on this somewhere in this thread looking at experiences from New York and Italy. Emcrit is a website you could look up and watch a webinar about this if you wanted more technical information.

Seattle intensivist were early intubating everybody when this disease started but they were dealing with a much older population because of nursing home outbreaks. People seem to crash quickly. Early guidance was early intubation.

Now with much broader outbreak some patients seem to do fine with just lots and lots of oxygen apparently.
Since we don't know which way each patient is going to go the general guidance is to start with high flow nasal cannula and ride the patient on that as long as you can. You have them change positions regularly including prone in an attempt to recruit areas of the lungs that aren't doing oxygen transfer. If you've got a patient That does not have ARDS it is one of these types that just needs to ride out the oxygen, this is the strategy. They might not require intubation after doing so.

If you've got the other phenotype (Italian doctors have labeled these phenotypes we aren't totally sure if they are two) that is going to develop ARDS, The patient is going to crash anyways and require intubation. So they will eventually declare themselves.

Deleted member 1

g excess deaths...
Lets talk that

1> Excess deaths are under-counted COVID19
2> Lockdown is causing excess death and killing people

What other hypothetsis can explain this?

Number one is the prevailing wisdom. But of course it could be something else.

Would need to analyuze the testing strategy of various states and see why you have so many COVID19 deaths attributed or not attributed to those excess deaths in various states. That would further solidify the argument that these are nearly all COVID19.


TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
First straight to the data:
COVID-19 Testing Project

Second, that twitter commentary is a damned if you do and damned if you don't option.
"Trump Admin decided not to regulate development of COVID antibody tests and instead leave it to the magic of the market.
Now the market is *flooded* with garbage tests that give false results."

Is her memory so short to forget that FDA and other delays were lambasted for the usual approval timeline and pressure mounted to push through emergency operations to get testing to market?

What is the testing fidelity used in other countries? If its good, we should have copy and pasted, including just buying them. But again, that isn't what her tweet is about.
Also, nothing in that entire NYTimes piece provides any details to back her assertion.
What could be a highly informative post takes a data project, puts it through a good NYT story, and then politicizes out the anus of twitter.

GG Social media.
You're thinking too binary. It's not a case of either the slow, rigorous, normal process or no rules free market capitalism. There are a number of ways you could approach this problem. Obviously there is the middle ground between those two extremes, there is also concurrent research and production which while less efficient in resourse terms would prove to be faster - of course you wouldn't release the shoddy ones to market.

My preferred option would be to launch a 'Manhatten Project'. Requisition the resources and people needed and work on it from all angles coordinated inhouse to produce the best tests and vaccine possible in the shortest amount of time. With everyone working together and sharing results it would be the most efficient way, rather than pushing out half-baked products to get to market as soon as possible to not lose money on their investment in a product that doesn't work. That's just my favourite, but I'm sure there are other options out there that would be better than the current free-for-all.

Deleted member 1

You're thinking too binary. It's not a case of either the slow, rigorous, normal process or no rules free market capitalism. There are a number of ways you could approach this problem. Obviously there is the middle ground between those two extremes, there is also concurrent research and production which while less efficient in resourse terms would prove to be faster - of course you wouldn't release the shoddy ones to market.
I'm responding to someones loaded commentary to politicize and give cause to a result without evidence. I view this time of headline rewriting on twitter, reddit, etc etc as an example of the barrier to real communication and information spread on the internet. It instead is a microcosm of the toxic fracturing that occurs and it should be named and rejected repeatedly.

Ever wonder why the top comment on reddit is telling the OP they are morons with a bunch of evidence why? Because this is a pervasive misinformation problem that now has an echo chamber through these sites to launch it to the tops of social media. And 99% don't read the article. Just the headline.

My preferred option would be to launch a 'Manhatten Project'.
Sure. I've hardly been shy in my own agreement for a more coordinated response across the board. You and I can talk about the best response all day. The entirety of the response to COVID19 including a vaccine should have such a response.

But staying on topic. That isn't what she's saying.
There is not evidence for-profit medicine lead us to this point anymore than if we had a socialized system. Tests are still purchased, authorized, etc. The best evidence is that the urgency to remove typical FDA barriers probably lead us here. Beyond that, I'm not sure where "here" is yet. Have you looked at other countries' testing fidelity? (I tried after your post, its almost impossible to find consistent non-USA based data when searching google in English) Are other testing modalities the same or different than what we rolled out one month into this? It isn't even clear to me that other antibody tests throughout the world match their stated sensitivity and specificity. It's just clear to me that our self-policiing apparatus is doing good day in reviewing and publicizing our test accuracy. That recent German town that had the parade outbreak and said 14% of the town had been positive recently had their testing criticized as the results of the antibody test were not what the German manufacturer said they were.

So yeah, Manhatten all day long. But her added accusation and commentary is still bunk.