General Corona virus updates

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Deleted member 1


First straight to the data:
COVID-19 Testing Project

Second, that twitter commentary is a damned if you do and damned if you don't option.
"Trump Admin decided not to regulate development of COVID antibody tests and instead leave it to the magic of the market.
Now the market is *flooded* with garbage tests that give false results."

Is her memory so short to forget that FDA and other delays were lambasted for the usual approval timeline and pressure mounted to push through emergency operations to get testing to market?

What is the testing fidelity used in other countries? If its good, we should have copy and pasted, including just buying them. But again, that isn't what her tweet is about.
Also, nothing in that entire NYTimes piece provides any details to back her assertion.
What could be a highly informative post takes a data project, puts it through a good NYT story, and then politicizes out the anus of twitter.

GG Social media.

Deleted member 1

Just for posterity. This is the guidance given.

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.’ In these instances, certifiers should use their best clinical judgement in determining if a COVID–19 infection was likely. However, please note that testing for COVID–19 should be conducted whenever possible.

But this is generally the reality for every death. Your attending physician takes all facts and makes a best estimate of cause of death. Your PCP might very well be filling out your death certificate after you die at home from a heart attack. Wut? Yep. That's a common process.

It gets even less salacious when you take the time to view his states general disease guidance.

Pg 18 (CTRL-F for others)

His claim is that Coronavirus deaths are suddenly being presumed, but that isn't anything new in the states guidance on death certificates. He just didn't know that.

Qualifying the Cause of Death
It is acceptable to use the word “probable” or “presumed” to qualify a cause of death
when certainty about the cause of death is lacking.
Case Scenario 9. A 67-year-old man has known coronary artery disease. At home, he has
chest pain and goes to the emergency room, dying before a diagnosis can be made.
Part I
A. Probable acute myocardial infarct
Due to, or as a consequence of:
B. Coronary artery atherosclerosis
Due to, or as a consequence of:
Due to, or as a consequence of:
Part II OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS: Conditions contributing to death but not resulting in the underlying cause of death in Part I
Manner of Death
This matches the CDC guidance for others:
CTRL-F presume

It has nothing to do with Coronavirus

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Debunked 2 weeks ago.

Guy did his own interpretation of the CDC guidelines, not what they said, which aren't any different than any other disease (it is the doctors clinical judgement of what the patient dies from) and did some political grandstanding.
debunked is a lame term
I get what your saying though
I am sure doctors have all types of opinions and interpretations of the many aspects of this event.

Deleted member 1

debunked is a lame term
past tense: debunked; past participle: debunked
  1. expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief).

Really just gets to the heart of it. Beautiful word.

I am sure doctors have all types of opinions and interpretations of the many aspects of this event.
Except he's gone on a speaking tour around sympathetic news channels suggesting that, as such, COVID19 deaths are being routinely artificially inflated,etc, etc. Except he has no evidence of this and is rolling by implication which comes with harm.

You don't get to claim "just asking questions" and "just an opinion" when your intent is to subversively lead people to an opinion without data.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
past tense: debunked; past participle: debunked
  1. expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief).

Really just gets to the heart of it. Beautiful word.

Except he's gone on a speaking tour around sympathetic news channels suggesting that, as such, COVID19 deaths are being routinely artificially inflated,etc, etc. Except he has no evidence of this and is rolling by implication which comes with harm.

You don't get to claim "just asking questions" and "just an opinion" when your intent is to subversively lead people to an opinion without data.
I would agree to disagree on this topic

I don't know of his speaking tour, I only know of this single video

Plenty of other docs have differing viewpoints is what I am getting at with "opinions and interpretations".

Deleted member 1

I would agree to disagree on this topic

I don't know of his speaking tour, I only know of this single video
Fine, watch the video and then take as much time clicking those links and read the guidance for ALL diseases yourself:
General - Corona virus updates
His claim: New guidance allows coronaviruses to be labeled "probable" or "presumed". Reality. That is how all deaths are allowed to be classified for decades.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Fine, watch the video and then take as much time clicking those links and read the guidance for ALL diseases yourself:
General - Corona virus updates
His claim: New guidance allows coronaviruses to be labeled "probable" or "presumed". Reality. That is how all deaths are allowed to be classified for decades.
It's just a video
It is just his interpretation
literally 2 minutes of content in a thread with random videos of all sorts and sizes

I got no dog in the fight man...taking everyones "opinion" and "data" with a grain of salt here

I am marking you down as viewing that man as an exaggerating, misleading, Dr. with attention whore tendencies.

Deleted member 1

It is just his interpretation
It's literally not. It's that AND more.
It's couched in loaded questions and statements direct and by implication that this is new and nefarious for coronavirus.

I got no dog in the fight man...taking everyones "opinion" and "data" with a grain of salt here
Yes you do. You have been soft pedaling the idea that things aren't that bad for a month.
You are personally against the lock down for a variety of reasons that include your view that it is government overreach and against a worldview of what you think society should have the ability to do to the individual.
At least just state where you stand sometimes.

I am marking you down as viewing that man as an exaggerating, misleading, Dr. with attention whore tendencies.
You literally have the links to the guidance in black and white and can't form a conclusion?
All data is equivalent?

Miesha's Taint

Miesha's Taint
Dec 3, 2018
It's literally not. It's that AND more.
It's couched in loaded questions and statements direct and by implication that this is new and nefarious for coronavirus.

Yes you do. You have been soft pedaling the idea that things aren't that bad for a month.
You are personally against the lock down for a variety of reasons that include your view that it is government overreach and against a worldview of what you think society should have the ability to do to the individual.
At least just state where you stand sometimes.

You literally have the links to the guidance in black and white and can't form a conclusion?
All data is equivalent?



Apr 18, 2015
I've lost my smell and taste. Just opened some garlic and put mustard on my tongue and nothing. Not ashamed to say I'm freaking out a bit bros.

Deleted member 1

I've lost my smell and taste. Just opened some garlic and put mustard on my tongue and nothing. Not ashamed to say I'm freaking out a bit bros.
You've been symptomatic for how long?
Is anyone around you sick too?



Apr 18, 2015
You've been symptomatic for how long?
Is anyone around you sick too?

Since the 24th. I've been having lost appetite and a little diarrhea before that, but the 24th I had a low grade fever (99.1) and started getting congested. Had a coughing fit, but it was alleviated by Tussin. Had a slight sore throat, but it didn't last. Had headaches yesterday and mostly just runny nose and being tired and out of it. Been taking temp and it's mostly low but my thermometer is old and gives inconsistent reads. Tonight I ate and it didn't taste like much but I thought nothing of it. Then did the garlic and mustard and nothing.

Haven't been around anyone for 6 weeks. Only went to rite aid 3x for food supplies in that time. Masked last time. Only other contact was a few GrubHub deliveries. People have been coughing a lot in my bldg though.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
It's literally not. It's that AND more.
It's couched in loaded questions and statements direct and by implication that this is new and nefarious for coronavirus.

Yes you do. You have been soft pedaling the idea that things aren't that bad for a month.
You are personally against the lock down for a variety of reasons that include your view that it is government overreach and against a worldview of what you think society should have the ability to do to the individual.
At least just state where you stand sometimes.

You literally have the links to the guidance in black and white and can't form a conclusion?
All data is equivalent?
Lotta generalizations and speculation of my overall opinions in that^^^

it was a 2 minute video of a guy I have never seen or meet...120 seconds

If you have a problem with my behavior other than the post that started this...then that is a different story

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Since the 24th. I've been having lost appetite and a little diarrhea before that, but the 24th I had a low grade fever (99.1) and started getting congested. Had a coughing fit, but it was alleviated by Tussin. Had a slight sore throat, but it didn't last. Had headaches yesterday and mostly just runny nose and being tired and out of it. Been taking temp and it's mostly low but my thermometer is old and gives inconsistent reads. Tonight I ate and it didn't taste like much but I thought nothing of it. Then did the garlic and mustard and nothing.

Haven't been around anyone for 6 weeks. Only went to rite aid 3x for food supplies in that time. Masked last time. Only other contact was a few GrubHub deliveries. People have been coughing a lot in my bldg though.
sorry to hear your not feeling right

eat healthy
get your sleep
and keep that immune system strong as possible

so long

Posting Machine
Dec 16, 2015
Since the 24th. I've been having lost appetite and a little diarrhea before that, but the 24th I had a low grade fever (99.1) and started getting congested. Had a coughing fit, but it was alleviated by Tussin. Had a slight sore throat, but it didn't last. Had headaches yesterday and mostly just runny nose and being tired and out of it. Been taking temp and it's mostly low but my thermometer is old and gives inconsistent reads. Tonight I ate and it didn't taste like much but I thought nothing of it. Then did the garlic and mustard and nothing.

Haven't been around anyone for 6 weeks. Only went to rite aid 3x for food supplies in that time. Masked last time. Only other contact was a few GrubHub deliveries. People have been coughing a lot in my bldg though.
Man, I wish you a good recovery!!

are you interested in some breathing exercises / or doing some at this time?