"So I know you're the head nurses of the ER and thoracics respectively, but I just read this article in Vanity Fair."
written by De Kai, with a physician from London, a bioinformaticist from Cambridge, an economist from Paris, and a sociologist and population-dynamics expert from Finland.
do you know who De Kai is?
"While all models have limitations and are only as good as their assumptions, this one is “a very thorough model and well done,” said William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University, who reviewed the De Kai team’s paper. “It supports a notion that I advocate along with most other infectious disease experts: that masks are very, very important.” Jeremy Howard, founding researcher at
fast.ai and a distinguished research scientist at the University of San Francisco, also assessed the paper. “It’s almost overkill how careful they were with this modeling,” said Howard, who also coauthored and spearheaded
a study last month (recently submitted to the journal PNAS) that reviewed dozens of papers assessing the effectiveness of masks."
What kind of reviews and endorsements does the nurse have for his/her opinion?