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member 3289

Part of the equation is adding all the variables.

The United States has more damage to its citizens than most on earth.
Obesity is #1 by a longshot, then everything in and around that, including diabetics, sleep apnea, anxiety, psyhological disorders, heart conditions, asthma, high cholesterol and stroke risk, deviated septums.....pretty much everything under the sun.
How is this a factor in mask-wearing?
Because restricting airflow means increased stress and lower oxygen in the human body, which means compromised immunity and susceptibility.

So everyone judging everyone need to STFU forever, because none of us know exactly what is what and we're all sure to die.
Those chances are 1/1. More important is how people treat each other while they're here, and for the country, it's liberty and freedom of information.


Between all information sources, I wear an N99 with easy exhaust when I must go somewhere populated; easy in and easy out.
I have a routine I use for everything I do, and do it to the best of my ability.
My regime is juicing outdoor plants, particulary dandelions, kale etc., things with high Quercetin levels, zinc, vitamin C, anti clotting micro and macro nutrients, etc.
In addition, daily Centrum(old man silver), 2-3 grams Vit.C, 5grams Vit.D, Vit.K500mcg, VitB625mg, Zinc 50mg 2x daily, echinicea/goldenseal 2x daily, Quercetin Bromelain with stinging nettle, NAC 1000mg, and an acidophilus probiotic about twice a week.
Exercising and losing weight(sweating) and outdoors as much as possible, and **sleep**. No alcohol, no takeout, no smoking.
I spend time in the garden because it's imperitive.
I don't "put on Covid weight", that's literally the stupidest thing one can do.

This is just what I do.
With all the purposeful misinformation, all one can do is continue to learn and adapt, and not judge others because no one knows another's circumstances, and it's only poison for the soul.

Social media is the worst; the memes I see..."If you're wearing a mask in a car alone, you're a special kind of stupid", and so on.
How the heck does anyone know why they're wearing the mask?
Maybe they're sick borrowing another's car and trying to be helpful.
Maybe they're test driving a car.
Maybe they share deliveries.
Maybe it's a service-related drive of a customers vehicle.
Maybe they don't have triple HEPA filters on their vehicle air intakes and driving through a high-risk area during an airborne declared pandemic, and want extra protection.
Who tf knows?

This entire plandemic is TO create division(maybe civil war/police state), a soft war, leading into a hard war.
I no longer see a JFK-type assassination as low-probability.
Good mix of solid logic and utter insanity in this post

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Part of the equation is adding all the variables.

The United States has more damage to its citizens than most on earth.
Obesity is #1 by a longshot, then everything in and around that, including diabetics, sleep apnea, anxiety, psyhological disorders, heart conditions, asthma, high cholesterol and stroke risk, deviated septums.....pretty much everything under the sun.
How is this a factor in mask-wearing?
Because restricting airflow means increased stress and lower oxygen in the human body, which means compromised immunity and susceptibility.

So everyone judging everyone need to STFU forever, because none of us know exactly what is what and we're all sure to die.
Those chances are 1/1. More important is how people treat each other while they're here, and for the country, it's liberty and freedom of information.


Between all information sources, I wear an N99 with easy exhaust when I must go somewhere populated; easy in and easy out.
I have a routine I use for everything I do, and do it to the best of my ability.
My regime is juicing outdoor plants, particulary dandelions, kale etc., things with high Quercetin levels, zinc, vitamin C, anti clotting micro and macro nutrients, etc.
In addition, daily Centrum(old man silver), 2-3 grams Vit.C, 5grams Vit.D, Vit.K500mcg, VitB625mg, Zinc 50mg 2x daily, echinicea/goldenseal 2x daily, Quercetin Bromelain with stinging nettle, NAC 1000mg, and an acidophilus probiotic about twice a week.
Exercising and losing weight(sweating) and outdoors as much as possible, and **sleep**. No alcohol, no takeout, no smoking.
I spend time in the garden because it's imperitive.
I don't "put on Covid weight", that's literally the stupidest thing one can do.

This is just what I do.
With all the purposeful misinformation, all one can do is continue to learn and adapt, and not judge others because no one knows another's circumstances, and it's only poison for the soul.

Social media is the worst; the memes I see..."If you're wearing a mask in a car alone, you're a special kind of stupid", and so on.
How the heck does anyone know why they're wearing the mask?
Maybe they're sick borrowing another's car and trying to be helpful.
Maybe they're test driving a car.
Maybe they share deliveries.
Maybe it's a service-related drive of a customers vehicle.
Maybe they don't have triple HEPA filters on their vehicle air intakes and driving through a high-risk area during an airborne declared pandemic, and want extra protection.
Who tf knows?

This entire plandemic is TO create division(maybe civil war/police state), a soft war, leading into a hard war.
I no longer see a JFK-type assassination as low-probability.
Great post my man

Divide and Conquer is as old as time and it is hitting us from even more angles than normal right now

United We Stand...


Dec 15, 2018

....are a very interesting person.

As a side note, I sometimes wear my mask in my car becasuse I can't be arsed to take it off after leaving the last place I was at that required one especially if I have to put it on at my next destination.

Plus I think it actually looks cool. I look like a Sub-Zero type superhero.


member 3289

Texas doesn't even feel like it's in the running compared to this insanity.

You the real MVP Florida
I live in Broward. The county directly south of me is Miami-Dade.

Between Wednesday and Thursday, there were 37,247 new tests reported. The state breached yet another record with a 23.9% positive rate for the day’s numbers. The positive rate for the day’s numbers was far higher in parts of South Florida. In Miami-Dade, the positive rate for the day was 33.5% and in Broward it was 28.6%.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Great post my man

Divide and Conquer is as old as time and it is hitting us from even more angles than normal right now

United We Stand...
I think there's a lot of people that need to re-visit the ins and outs of WW1 and 2.
The notion that a country doesn't care about its citizens is being misconstrued with the people in power over the country not caring about its citizens.
If China was willing to flood the Yellow River to slow the Japanese war machine and sacrifice over 1/2 million citizens, why would anyone think any government wouldn't?
That's ancient history now, forgotten.
And whatever is done to us now, will be ancient history, forgotten.
We'z about to get judged...