Why do you get so stuck on people watching videos that tend to be easily debunked?
You have no idea what your talking about brother.
Your speaking of debunking a video that you haven't watch and is not debunkable.
Corbett sources all of his info for that very purpose.
Not stuck on anything, I only ask because you said you would give it a watch(twice) and haven't "debunked" a single thing from the video but insist that is debunk able...Sadly that not debunking, that is ignorance...If you gave it a shot and couldn't finish then I will drop it, but you have yet to say you even gave it a shot. It is pertinent to this topic though, some would say it is worth learning more about the man who has massive influence over world health from an unbiased source.
If your too busy to watch then just say so, that is fine.
To debunk something you haven't even viewed or researched is pretty sad.
If you wanna debunk something then you have to watch it and do the research.
I merely suggest it so we can have a similar information base to begin a discussion on an even playing field.
If you choose to not go there that is fine, but labeling all videos I recommend as debunked without viewing them is really a juvenile discussion tactic.
again have a good day and get back at me if you wanna discuss that video