Nobody here is saying don’t get a boat but me. My wife has been sending me little Jon boats and stuff for a while now. I just don’t want to get into one until I know they’ll join me. Too much effort for me to spend the money and commit to hauling it in and out of water solo. I love my float tube. So simple and does all I need for now. Kids are having fun joining me the odd time, I just need to find a set of second hand waders so my wife can kick out with me in my other belly boat. She doesn’t get it yet. Her outdoors time is cycling and things fitness related. I think once she joins me for a few outings and can see how rewarding it is she’ll be looking to join. At least that’s my hope.
Sounds like a solid plan, you should really get a boat ESPECIALLY if your wife is telling you to (special women like that are few and far between). It's really not that bad as far as maintenance and stuff like that. The biggest time suck is when you initially get the boat and want to get it set up exactly how you want (I added a fuse block, breakers, light bar, and moved some electrical systems from one battery to another, plus some other odds and ends. I've probably spent another few grand, and several hours, but it's almost there). After that just take care of if when you are done and it's not all that much effort. It takes me less than 5 min to launch the boat, let the motor warm up, and park the truck...And that's when I do it by myself. When my wife is there is take about 2-3 minutes. What's your biggest concern with time and effort? Remember when you are watching the boat ramp and see people struggling those are the fucking morons, people who know what they are doing are in and out with the quickness.