Yeah the oil companies making a ton of money being subsidized and will hold on to that until they can more profitably enter other markets.
Every single major oil company has already started buying up small solar and wind companies.
They all know that this is the long term.
Yet every single one of them will not let the subsidies go.
We all understand why this is and people can take whatever autistic position that they want on this as if it makes it okay. ("Herp derp companies are only in it to get their shareholders money so I don't blame them")
All that really matters is people at the end.
It matters that there's worse pollution because of it.
it matters which jobs are linked and which ones go away and which ones are replaced and which you do about that.
The industry itself isn't owed profits just because it's good at getting them out of public coffers.
Moving towards a heavier reliance on wind and solar is all very well and good, but something has to plug the gaps when it's dark and relatively calm.
Pushing the high hopes for fusion power to one side, what we have right now that fits the bill is nuclear power.
By "we" I mean the world, as bad a reputation as it has, we need more nuclear power plants, obviously with as robust safety systems as is possible.