General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
What does that have to do with conserving power. You either have it or you don't, right?

Or is Texas like California now and they have to do rolling blackouts because they fucked up their energy grid so bad?
you know something is up when the guys who literally sell you power are telling you to not use power aka not give them money . please dont use our product .there isnt enough to go around because we put the profits in our pockets instead of investing in our infrastructure


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Remember our houses aren't as insulated as yours are either.
My heat is set to 70 and I'm only seeing an average temp of 69, this is horse shit.
i would kill somebody for turning my heat up to 70. that shit is permanently set to 19c. i might have went to 20c when it was -17c


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Remember our houses aren't as insulated as yours are either.
My heat is set to 70 and I'm only seeing an average temp of 69, this is horse shit.
Insulation helps in the summer too, brah.
Get that sorted out.

Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016

Break out the Anti-Icing Liquids

  • Salt Brine – water mixed with salt
  • Agricultural-based liquid product – sugar beet by-product added to salt brine
  • Potassium Acetate – used in a liquid solution on bridge surface
Apply liquid products directly to the roadway to prevent the buildup of snow and ice by lowering the freezing point of water, leaving the roads bare and wet when they would otherwise be covered by snow and ice.

Use the liquids in three ways:

1. Anti-Icing ... the application of liquids to the roadway before, or at the onset to, a winter storm.

2. De-Icing - De-Icing is the application of liquids after snow and ice has compacted to the roadway. Experience has been that it takes approximately three times the resources to remove compacted snow and ice when the anti-icing process is not used. The same effect is experienced when snow compacts on a driveway after driving on it several times and then trying to scrape it off.

3. Pre-wetting, the application of liquid to a granular salt mixture to help jump start the melting process. Sand alone cannot melt snow and ice, and dry salt must change into a liquid solution to melt snow and ice. Studies have shown up to 30% of dry salt or sand can scatter or blow off the roadway, so liquid is added to the salt mixture to prevent scattering and blowing, helping the salt mixture stay on the roadway


Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
We just got back from our hike, it wasn’t all that bad out. Didn’t see a single other person out at the park. I ended up going to a closer park/trail, it’s not as cool or scenic as where I wanted to take the wife and son, but it’s a lot closer. It’s been misting so it is getting a little icy. The roads aren’t too bad yet, but if this keeps up they’re going to get slick. We went to a park that I can get to easily on quiet roads (only passed one other car). With the ice I didn’t want to drive all the way across town with my family in the truck - those roads would have been much busier and I don’t trust anyone else in this shit. I put 15 cinder blocks in the bed for a little weight.

now it’s time for some warm food and hot cocoa


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
lol @ this half inch of snow causing problems . the grass is poking thru still

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
lol @ this half inch of snow causing problems . the grass is poking thru still
Dude, it completely fucks up texas. It’s insane. Where I grew up in the Midwest we could get 12 inches of snow overnight and the town would still be in full operation. Nobody knows what to do, in a way it’s kind of amusing to watch. But unfortunately people usually end up getting hurt in this weather.

when it gets to about 50F here I see people wearing beanies and parkas or down jackets. That’s how soft natives can be.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Y'all be careful out there.
This is much worse than driving in snow. Misting all morning and everything's ice and glass. Of course I'm call today.

View attachment 27966
Be safe out there, buddy. I know you have an awesome truck and all, but still be safe ?

I love my F150, but they made this truck so light with the eco and aluminum body that I feel it can be a disadvantage at how little weight is over the rear tires. Very easy to break the tires loose, even in just rain. Which is why I supplemented with a bunch of cinder blocks today ?