General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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First 100 ish
Jan 19, 2015

Glad you got it back on. In my experience, the longer pipes are frozen the more likely they are to burst. Luckily, none of mine are in the attic, but I have come home to spraying water more than once. The pipes had frozen for a few days and when they thawed, BOOM, water everywhere. Not fun. If you can leave your attic access open or find a way to get some heat up there it might not be a bad idea.

My daughter in Texas didn't even realize she should leave water dripping. Texans definitely aren't used to this.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Other than pipe insulation, anything else you'd recommend? I see thermostatic controlled heated tape for fairly cheap. Could have a small heating element like that with the insulation.
Not really that much else you can do. Other than build an insulated box around it and add an access door underneath from the living quarters. Feels extreme for a once in a decade event, especially if you figure out a work-around.