General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I want one.

I’m kicking myself because I almost bought a mid size generator a few months ago. I only needed it for one project, so I rented instead to save the extra cash. Love and learn. I like this system you’re talking about here though, that would be awesome right now.
I'm looking for generators as we speak.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Still without power. 32 hours without power. It’s in the mid-20’s in my house. We’re still at the house of a friend.
We’re at home, but pretty much in the exact same boat. Stay safe and warm, buddy. Our fireplace helped a lot last night (at least in the living room), but I’m trying to go easy on my wood supply in case I have to do this another night or two.

fingers crossed that they get more people Back online today. I have a buddy in a different part of town that had his power kick back on early this morning, so I’m cautiously optimistic


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
God damn dude, I'm sorry. Have you had a chance to check on the house.
Went by this morning. Water still runs through everything except the bath. Guess those pipes froze somewhat..... there’s still a trickle. Grabbed all the food I could reasonably grab and got out. Two neighbors were sitting in cars, trying to warm up.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
There's going to thousands of house floods all at once when the weather changes Friday/Saturday


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015


EMERGENCY UPDATE: Due to ongoing record-low temperatures and generation, ERCOT has continued to direct Oncor and utilities across the state to drop power load through maintained controlled outages. These controlled outages are occurring across the state and the entire Oncor service territory. Oncor was able to rotate some outages overnight, but poor grid conditions have continued to prevent us and other utilities from rotating, or rolling, the entirety of these outages, leading to extended periods without power for many of our customers. At this time, ERCOT is unable to predict when grid conditions will stabilize, and urge all customers to be prepared for extended outages to continue. We also urge customers to prioritize the safety of themselves, their loved ones and their neighbors. Many local counties have also opened warming stations or shelters, which can be located online or by calling 211.


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
A few years back we had a major ice storm here in New Hampshire, it killed power at my house for a week and a half. It was difficult to find a generator anywhere. I traveled over 125 miles to find one, still have it.

Don't screw around and back-feed it, get an electrician to install it correctly or you're going to hurt/kill someone.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
back in the day i had moved out in to the middle of nowhere to grow dope. our first winter out there there was an early heavy snowfall that brought down power lines and blew up transformers for the entire area. all in all there were over 200 transformers blown . it took 3 weeks for us to get the power back up. turns out since we were in bumfuck nowhere the grid hadnt been updated since the 70s.we spent a couple weeks cooking on the bbq or over a fire in the yard . we had a small generator that ran the satellite dish,tv and a pretty much saved the day. all 1250 plants froze solid and rotted almost immediately when thawed. good times


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
A few years back we had a major ice storm here in New Hampshire, it killed power at my house for a week and a half. It was difficult to find a generator anywhere. I traveled over 125 miles to find one, still have it.

Don't screw around and back-feed it, get an electrician to install it correctly or you're going to hurt/kill someone.
Yes, generator is off the table for the time being.

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
I want to apologize to my Texan friends. I hadn’t been following this thread or the news that closely and I’ve been joking around without realizing how serious it was. Hope everyone is doing okay.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i have been after my parents to buy a generator for the last 5 years. they are like 70 and live in the boonies. the power goes out all the time especially in the winter. they dont care though . they are old . thye have a wood stove in the basement and candles . they are too boomer to get with the program . ill get a text from my mom asking me if i have seen anything about the power being off on the local news site. it just escapes her that she can use her phone to look it up too.i think they just like to sit around burning candles .it probably reminds them of their childhood


First 100
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I want to apologize to my Texan friends. I hadn’t been following this thread or the news that closely and I’ve been joking around without realizing how serious it was. Hope everyone is doing okay.
It’s all good. All jokes are fair game. At the end of the day, we got each others’ backs.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
That’s good to hear, a lot of the state is without power. It’s crazy how bad ERCOT fucked up
So they don't require generators to be winterized?
This isn't a wind/solar/coal/gas issue.
This is an ERCOT procedural issue.

So many lawsuits.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
so has the president visited the disaster area or is he still hiding in his basement?

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
That's pretty great.
5k would be enough to run a space heater (3k) and power fridges, some sockets, etc.
So you tie this into the circuit breaker to determine which circuits are on backup power?
Ya basically. You could also run it manually to conserve fuel if you feel that’s the better option. It also fires up on its own ice and a while to run so you don’t have to worry about it gumming up from sitting.
Personally I feel it would be a great feature if and when you decide to sell the home later too. Remind them of the horrors from 2021 and they’ll be throwing money in your face.