General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
So......still have no power (~36 hours now). No water issues for us, but several neighbors have also lost water now. I’m guessing frozen pipes because I don’t think that service got interrupted. Winter wonderland over here, it’s a lot icier today from what melted in the sun yesterday.

My phone is working better today, yesterday I couldn’t do shit like check the news (or look on here ?). I scrounged as much firewood as I could yesterday, so at least we had the fireplace.

glad my phone seems to be working better, it was frustrating to not be able to check updates on this, or make phone calls. Only thing that would work was texts, as long as no pictures.

the big positive is that we got 8 inches of my son had a blast all day yesterday. He’d never seen anything like this

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
For anyone looking for a fighting chance in the future consider installing a back up generator. I’ve installed a handful of these in the past few months. Customers are happy with the product and support from company is really good.

Some will run off your homes natural gas or if you have a big propane tank that’ll work too. I haven’t looked but they may have a gas/diesel option as well. For a 5kw to run just essentials loads to keep food good and phones charged all said and done it’s around $8000CA, that’s parts and labour. We did one that was a 27kw for an older guy which would run his whole house and he could sell power to neighbours for around $20,000. Once installed it’s all automatic with a transfer switch. Power goes out and within 10 seconds it’ll fire up and run. Wifi capable so if you’re out of town you’ll get notified of it turns on. Would recommend.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
At least you’ve had power at all!

we have had 0. Not a single light bulb has came back on once.
I thought for sure you’d have a little generator knowing your life style. Those little whisper quiet suitcase style would be better than nothing and are pretty affordable.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
For anyone looking for a fighting chance in the future consider installing a back up generator. I’ve installed a handful of these in the past few months. Customers are happy with the product and support from company is really good.

Some will run off your homes natural gas or if you have a big propane tank that’ll work too. I haven’t looked but they may have a gas/diesel option as well. For a 5kw to run just essentials loads to keep food good and phones charged all said and done it’s around $8000CA, that’s parts and labour. We did one that was a 27kw for an older guy which would run his whole house and he could sell power to neighbours for around $20,000. Once installed it’s all automatic with a transfer switch. Power goes out and within 10 seconds it’ll fire up and run. Wifi capable so if you’re out of town you’ll get notified of it turns on. Would recommend.
Come install it bro

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I thought for sure you’d have a little generator knowing your life style. Those little whisper quiet suitcase style would be better than nothing and are pretty affordable.
You know, I’ve almost bought one a few times. What can I say, I should’ve pulled the trigger!

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Damn that's crazy, y'all need anything?
So far so good ?

we have food, and enough stuff to stay warm. The fireplace was pretty welcome last night. It is rarely cold enough here for me to use it. Thank goodness I had some firewood left for the outdoor pit.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

I want a duel fuel with auto cut over switch. Can you also install a big neon sign to let my neighbors know we have power when they don't?
Absolutely! You can hand out flyers advertising $100/hour to rent an extension cord of you. You’ll make a fortune.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Temp kept dropping in the house despite the beta being in. Low gas pressure killed the pilot. It's probably been out all morning. It's fixed now.

member 3289

Post like this is why Muricans are hated by the international community. Accept the help or freeze to death.
While it is pretty funny that Texan society is collapsing as a result of all this snow/cold weather, I can confidently say that in the exact same scenario, the death toll in Florida would be at least 500.

La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
While it is pretty funny that Texan society is collapsing as a result of all this snow/cold weather, I can confidently say that in the exact same scenario, the death toll in Florida would be at least 500.
Do you even own a winter jacket? Gloves? Toque?