General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I bet the pussies are from California or the stupid east coast.
You’re on the money.
Two former Californians and one from Boston. The one from Boston I’m surprised at how bad he’s handled this. But that’s what us other neighbors or for ? we have his back!


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Texarkana yesterday...

The AR side bought snow plows.

A good few years back, we had a cold snap here in Britain.

Usually when we have snow it doesn't last but in this instance it snowed, any melting froze during the nights, and there was more snow on a couple of days, over a period of a few weeks. There was predictable chaos on the roads.

I had to drive out a fair way on one day, and travelled out from my home borough into a neighbouring one. As soon as I did, the roads were clear. I was amazed, and spoke to friends in other parts of the country, who told me their roads were clear too. Turned out it was the penny pinching twonks in charge that had scrimped on the budget for rock salt, and we were the only area where the roads were still all iced up.

I know how the folks living on the left side of that photo feel.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
We got LUCKY!

We returned home and within 20-30 minutes of being home, I heard dripping in the attic. About ten seconds of dripping and then... swoosh! Water was pouring in the attic. I ran straight to the water shutoff at the street and turned it off.

Had we not come home when we did, it would have flooded big time. I’m sure the water heater would have come crashing through the ceiling and disconnected from the gas line.

I am so grateful that we were able to nip it in the bud. Would have been disastrous.
get at the water pooling if possible

you may not have to repair walls/ceiling if you don't get big pooling

or run dehumidifier if you have one(not sure if texans have such things, but here it is wet air so...)

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
or there is a broken line at neighbors or on the city lines which ruins your flow and pressure
Not sure what the issue is, but pressure is still low.
My guess is that something broke somewhere and they’re diverting from a different main to keep us in service. That’s happened before.
Hearing from other friends though that they’ve had power for the last few days, but zero water. So who fucking knows. It’s a mess, and in general, our city was caught completely with their pants down

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
If you suspect you have a leak that hasn’t been found you can go turn off the power at your main and see if the meter continues moving.
actually he would shut off faucets leave water supply open and then see if meter is moving

Not sure if that is a good idea unless the temps are warmed up or the house is being heated again

I would probably err on the side of caution and shut it down until all pipes are thawed if I wasn't sure what walls froze
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